Tuesday 28 July 2015

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday 28 July 2015

While fishing comes down to patience, persistence, and energy... It doesn't hurt to know a few tips to make your fishing life easier.  As many of you may know, the most recent Wizard101 update involved fishing in Celestia!  What that means is there are new fish for only the master fishers to discover (or the beginners, but best of luck if you are one!).

To get started, these are a few higher ranked fishing spells you will need in order to follow these tips:

  • With these new fish, you need tougher lures in order to catch most of them!  Make sure you have all the Rank 3 spells which consists of the Common Frost Lures.

  • One of the most useful set of spells out there, especially for epic fish, are the winnow utility spells.  They are Rank 1 spells that can be bought in the Labyrinth.

  • One very useful spell is the Banish Sentinels 1 spell that is a reward from a Dragonspyre fishing quest, Catch ‘Em If You Can.

  • Make sure you have the Reveal Fish Rank 1 spell handy.  It will be very useful as doubtful as it might be.

  • Of course there are all the other utility spells that will be nice to have to make your Celestia fishing expedition a lot quicker.  Check out all the other utility spells on our Rank 0 Spells page.

New Challenges

Did you think KingsIsle was going to make fishing any easier?  If you did, you thought wrong.  If you went through Dragonspyre fishing this might be a little tougher but fret not, you should be quite prepared.  

There is only one new fish that is Rank 1 and super easy to catch because it’s a Sentinel.  The challenge here will be how to get rid of the new Rank 2 Sentinel lurking around the ponds of Celestia because the Banish Sentinels 1 spell only banish the Rank 1 sentinels.  You will have to make sure they are a safe distance away from your lure if there are any Rank 2 sentinels lurking around.  Besides that, catching these fish should be a piece of cake.

Catching the New Celestian Fish

While this is one of the easiest fish to catch, it is a Sentinel and you need to know the trick to catching Sentinels.  Make sure you are using a Rank 2 Fire lure and cast it near a fire Sentinel (fish with the spikes).  The fish will come to you.  Right when you see that you can invoke your lure, go for it!   The best thing about this fish is that it’s easily accessible to find in any fishing spot in Celestia!  On top of that, every fire Sentinel fish you come across is for sure to be the Blue Armored Guard.

This fish is found in one place, Survey Camp.  Survey Camp is the hardest place to fish from in Celestia.  Reason to this is because there is only one pond and it is connected to The Grotto.  Be careful where you step and give yourself some distance from the entrance of The Grotto when fishing.  Best strategy here would be to Winnow Storm Fish to eliminate any other potential fish that might distract you.  After that, you want to use the Reveal Fish Rank 1 because there are plenty of Rank 1 fish that you want to ignore.  Seeing the Rank 1 fish gives you the opportunity to scare them away and leave the ones who aren’t Rank 1.  That leaves you with five potential fish in your pond.  Two of those potential fish are Sentinels so you want to scare those off (only by letting them take your lure) or keep some distance from them.  Banish Sentinel 1 will be the best spell to use to keep away the Rank 1 Sentinel if it’s not gone already.  If you just step on a Sentinel, it usually spawns back nearby in the pond.  Now you’re ready to fish!  Catch all the fish in the pond with your Rank 3 Storm lure and hope for the best.  The Channel Bass won’t always be in the pond.  If you don’t get it, you want to restart the process after letting all the fish respawn over time or using the Summon Fish spell.

Since the explanation on getting rid of Sentinels is explained under Channel Bass, you now know how to get rid of them anywhere so they don’t steal your lure.  The False Catshark is a Myth fish along with three other Myth fish in the pond (not including the Rank 1 Sentinel).  Best strategy is to use the Reveal Fish Rank 1 spell and scare those away.  Instead of using the Winnow spell, you can just reveal school of fish and easily scare away the ones that aren’t Myth.  You will either get Myth School of Fish or the False Catshark.  Make sure you use a Rank 3 Myth lure!  This is an easy one, good luck!


While trying to catch the Channel Bass, it’ll be a surprise you don’t catch this one.  In any fishing pond, make sure you get rid of Sentinels and Rank 1 fish.  Catch the Storm fish with a Rank 3 Storm lure and you should be good to go!  This might take a bit since it’s a rare fish but it’s all about luck.

This fish is super easy to catch in The Floating Land that even the description of the fish says it!  I’ve noticed it goes slightly faster than other life fish so keep an eye out for that and take all other advice that has been given for the other fish.  Make sure to use Rank 3 Life lure as well.

This is one of the hardest, if not the hardest fish to catch.  The great thing about it is that it is the only death fish you can find in Stormriven.  You will want to stick with the two closest ponds to the entrance in Stormriven and alternate between the two.  These are big ponds so you’ll have to look carefully.  Cast the Winnow Death Fish spell and that’ll leave you with Sentinel fish as well.  Use the Banish Sentinel 1 spell and that’ll eliminate the Rank 1 Sentinels but it won’t eliminate any Blue Armored Guards there might be.  With that, you will usually see a Blue Armored Guard in the pond and just ignore him.  Look for any other fish or you can also use the Reveal Fish spell to make it obvious to see other fish.  Check both pools and look around carefully.  There are a few obstacles to get to a few.  Make sure to use the Death Rank 3 lure and possibly a luck elixir because you’ll have been through many fish spawns to get this one, most likely.  Good luck!

This is another hard fish to catch and it might take a while to get it but thankfully the fish are all in one small pond to look over.  This is not the only Balance fish in the District of the Stars but it’s the only Balance fish that isn’t Rank 1.  If you use Winnow Balance Fish, Reveal Rank 1 Fish and scare away all those fish, you should be good to go.  If there is no fish that isn’t Rank 1, wait for the fish to respawn or use your Summon Fish spell.  This is just time and energy consuming and involves luck.  Make sure to use your Rank 3 Balance lure!  Best of luck!


Being the easiest Sentinel fish to catch, this fish can be found in any fishing area in Celestia and is more of an annoyance than being easy to catch.  Just find a Myth Sentinel fish and you’ll be good to go!  It only requires a Rank 1 Myth lure and knowing how to catch a Sentinel.

In Stormriven you should be easily be able to catch this fish if you use the same sort of strategy as has been explained with the False Catshark.  This is a Fire fish though so make sure to use your Rank 3 Fire lure.


In the District of the Stars, this is a simple fish to catch, for the most part.  Just make sure to focus on all the ice fish in the pond and get rid of the Rank 1 and the Sentinels.  Just like the False Catshark and Oil Drum, you can catch this fish in a jiffy.

I hope this will help you guys catch all those Celestian fish that you need and want.  So go out there and fish!  If you need any additional advice or have any questions, let us know in the comments or tweet us at @OfficialAoTS.  Good luck!

Thank you to Jasmine Starflame and Swordroll for helping us with the pictures on this post.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday 22 July 2015

Being very active in the derby community, I hear a lot of gossip and things about derby that simply either aren't true or are very exaggerated. This post is meant to set the record straight with all things derby!

Myth: Nobody does derby anymore

Fact: Actually, derby has a very steady community. The community size is nothing like PvP, but racers are definitely out there. The cool thing about a small community is that we all know each other, and we're all very close. 

Myth: When training a derby pet, the red side doesn't even matter

Fact: The red side is probably the most important part. Sure, hurries and charges make for excellent abilities, but the red side is where your cheer cost will make or break you. On a derby pet, you ideally want the red side to have all "Selfish Talents," which are also known as stat boosts. The higher your pet's stats are, the lower your cheer cost will be. 

 Myth: I can use mega snacks

Fact: You can use mega snacks, but not for teen or adult racers! All of the mega snacks currently out give power to your pet, you don't want to do that on a low level racer. On a low level racer, you want to max out one stat on a teen (preferably grass), and two stats on an adult (preferably grass and dirt) before you start adding ANYTHING to power. Your cost to cheer is far more important than your power stat!

 Myth: I need hurries to win

Fact: Although hurries are helpful, they certainly are not necessary to win races. All that really matters is that you know how to use the abilities you DO have well. If you have a lock ability, lock your opponent into mud. If you have a bomb ability, put it right before a hurdle so your opponents can't get more morale. 

Myth: Always spam the up arrow

Fact: You don't necessarily want to ALWAYS spam the up arrow. You need to be aware of what surface you're currently on and what your cost to cheer on that surface is. Try to stick to cheering (spam the up arrow!) on surfaces with cheer cost 4 and below. If you always spammed the up arrow despite having a high cost to cheer,your morale would be empty rather quickly. ;)

Myth: Ah! Why is there even a slow down button?! Nobody uses that!

Fact: Actually, depending on your strategy, slowing down could be a matter of winning or losing. I have used the down arrow on purpose on many occasions. Some abilities only work from behind, so if you want to zap your opponent with a mute or sap, being behind them in the beginning of the race might be beneficial. 

 Myth: Spiffy Pop is an OP talent

Fact: Spiffy Pop is extremely easy to defend against. If you have a hunch that one of your opponents has Spiffy Pop, save up your morale and any hurries you have for the last stretch of the race. When the Spiffy Pop pet teleports to you, unleash your up arrow spam and hurries...it works (almost) every time. 

 Myth: The jump pads tell me when to jump, right?

Fact: Yes, they do. However, waiting to be on the jump pad can be very risky. If you miss the pad by just a second, you will hit the hurdle and slow down. Don't listen to the jump pads and just spam the spacebar any time you're near a hurdle. 

 Myth: The 3rd lap glitch occurs in almost every race

Fact: The 3rd lap glitch, a glitch that forces a racer to do 3 laps vs the normal 2 laps, is very very bad, but it doesn't happen every single race. When this glitch occurs is completely random, but don't let that discourage you from racing!

Myth: You're going pretty fast, you're cheating, right?

Fact: I'm sure there are some racers that use exploits, but as for me and the derby racers I know, no we do not. Practice makes perfect. We know these tracks very well and often are very comfortable with using our abilities. If you put in the effort, you too could be this fast!

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday 21 July 2015

   As I journeyed through Pirate101 Test Realm I decided to check out the Brawling Hall to lend a hand with the PvP testing. While I was in there my curiosity got the best of me and I wandered over to investigate the new vendors that reside therein. 

  I proceeded to press my nose against the virtual glass of the pet shop and admired the very colorful Apex sharks being hawked by Honest Thomas Perdue

(A wonderful honor to our beloved first Community Manager, One-Eyed Jack <3)

   Next I drooled over the awesome weapons that were offered by Trusty Flint Locke (Well played you punderful writers at KingsIsle :D ). 

   Then it happened. I found the Scrip housing vendor, Candyce Olsen and clicked on the Bed tab and found a treasure beyond measure.   There are 7 housing items, each an album stand that is finely crafted to honor it's world of origin (see below).  That is not the best part that truly made my heart sing. The album stands are interactive. When you activate them you are presented with the Holy Grail of eye candy. Each album is packed with concept art that was used to create our wonderful game environment.  That's right, the works of art from some of the finest artists in the gaming business. Many of the pieces appear to be previously unreleased.  Well at least I had never seen them and I search for concept art from our beloved game quite frequently. 

  Another cool thing is, there are masterpieces in there from worlds we have yet to see.  True peeks into the future of Pirate101.

   Candyce offers them for 900 Scrip each but do not be dismayed if you have been burying your scrip to save up for other Black Market treasures.  Just visit the Crown Shop and you can purchase each and every one of these precious albums and their thematic stands for a mere 1000 Crowns or, if you need to shake loose some of your excess gold from a fruitful Moo Manchu run, you can procure them for 10,000 gold each.  So be it Scrip, Crowns or Gold, whatever is wearing a hole in your treasure chest, these gorgeous creations are yours to be had.

   I managed to organize a private viewing of these visual delights just for you, our readers.  Come into the Adventures of the Spiral Gallery and feast your eyes on some amazing creations.

Blessings and giggles on your day.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Posted by Sneaky Kevin On Wednesday 15 July 2015

A new update has arrived to Wizard101, and it’s sure to make your wizards ULTRA! Complete with ultra dungeons, ultra pets, ultra seeds (and more!), there’s plenty of new additions to keep you busy in the Spiral this summer.

Here’s a recap of the Wizard101 Summer Update!

One-Shot Rematch Gauntlets

If you think Krokopatra and Meowiarty were easy, think again – these bosses and more are back, and they’re ready for a rematch! This time around, they’ve learned new tricks and aren’t afraid to use them. Wizards up to the challenge will receive great rewards if they succeed, including ultra seeds, exclusive reagents and new mounts. And, if you haven’t gotten around to fighting Malistaire the Undying for your exalted gear, these new dungeons have a chance at dropping gear with stats close to those of Darkmoor gear!

Not sure where to find these new gauntlets? You can buy them in the Crown Shop for a small price, or they can be obtained as drops from various bosses. Rattlebones is a good place to start – battles can last just one turn, and the drop rate is fairly high. The Jade Oni is another popular spot, or you may receive some on your quests through the Spiral…

Remember: these bosses are tough, so be sure to prepare yourself before jumping in. The Mercenaries team have put together some great guides that will help you take down these pesky bosses!

Ultra Pets

First we had epic pets, then mega… and now ultra! Take your favorite pets to the Pet Pavilion to level them up to this new level, and it’ll become even stronger in combat!

A pet that reaches ultra will grant you a Star jewel. This new type of jewel can only be affixed to a pet’s jewel collar (usable once your pet reaches ancient) and can grant bonuses to your pet’s stats, your wizard’s stat’s, or derby talents. You can also obtain Star jewels via combat, crafting, and the Purreau’s Plentiful Pet Provisions hoard pack.

Gardening Improvements

Some great updates have been made to gardening, most notable of which being the new ultra seeds! Obtainable through the new one-shot gauntlets or as rare harvests from existing seeds, these new ultra plants can give great rewards. Their elder harvests have been reported to give new treasure cards, housing items, and rare reagents.

Thanks to Iridian WillowGlen for this picture of her Ultra garden!
That’s not all – new gardening spells are available, including the frequently requested Plant All spell. No longer will you have to go through the time consuming process of planting each seed individually after an elder harvest. Just visit Roger the Shrubber in Avalon to pick up this awesome new spell!

Finally, a new item known as the Seed Vault has been added. Purchasable through the Crown Shop or craftable from Toshio at MooShu, this housing item can store up to 100 seeds without filling up your backpack. You can craft as many as you’d like, but only two Seed Vaults can be placed in each of your houses.

…And Much More!

Houses can now be placed in the shared bank. School-themed mounts can now be crafted. The treasure card limit has been raised from 500 to 999. The critical calculation system has been revamped. PvP has entered into the third age, and a solution has been implemented against “puppet teams.”

Don’t forget about our favorite part: new fish! Ten new fish have been added to Celestia – can you catch them all? Don’t forget to check out our Celestia page on the Fishing Database to help you on your fishing adventures!

What’s your favorite part of the Summer Update to Wizard101? Let us know what you think in the comments below, and enjoy these ultra additions to the game!