Have you heard the news? Pirate101 Test Realm has just been released, complete with the new Nefarious Tower (Known as "The Tower of Moo Manchu"), the ability to change your flag (and companion!) colors, doubloon trading, Team Up!/Dungeon Recall, and much more!
If you've completed MooShu and the Moo Manchu questline, check out the new tower for a tough challenge! With 10 floors, it's sure to keep you busy farming for quite some time as well as extending upon the beloved Moo Manchu storyline!
Features from Wizard101 have arrived, too! For difficult instances, you may want to try using "Team Up!" to get help from other pirates who are also requesting help. Also, keep in mind that group play has been improved so that less enemies will be present when you're with other pirates, so don't be afraid to give "Team Up!" a try! If you happen to be defeated in these difficult dungeons, don't worry - just click on the new "Dungeon Recall" button to teleport yourself right back inside!
Do you have plenty of Doubloons and want to share your fortune with your friends? Now you can! Just like with Treasure Cards, you can now trade Doubloons between pirates! This can help you clear out Doubloons that you don't need while getting others in return that may be more useful.
Not only that, but the widely requested feature has finally arrived: changing your flag colors! This will also be reflected on your companions, so if you aren't happy with how they look, just change their colors for a small Crowns fee! Seek out a new NPC in the Skull Island Bazaar for this new service.
There's plenty more, too - pets, companions, combat, sound, ship, badge organization, and more changes await you in the Pirate101 test realm! If you haven't checked out the update notes yet, be sure to do so here:

Enjoy the Test Realm, pirates!!
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