Saturday 30 March 2013

Posted by Unknown On Saturday 30 March 2013

Each month we will release an ‘Article of the Month’ each article will be different and will be promoting a good cause, these people have done something very great for the Wizard101/Pirate101 community and I and the team feel that we would like to tell you all about them. This month’s Article is about:

The Mercenaries!

Mercenaries101 are an elite group of people who are 100% commited to helping you conquer bosses all around the spiral from Zafaria to Cool Ranch. They have been working hard on Wizard101 Central for around 3 years, in 2010 they were given a sub forum. This allowed them to expand and grow further into the wizard101 community. In 2012 they were made an official Wizard101 Fansite
The ‘Merc’ team does extremely well under the guidance of their leaders: Katherine_Light and Scarlet*.

Do you need help in the Skyways?
Do you need help in your studies?
Stay tuned for next month’s Article!
AoW Team.
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