Monday 29 July 2013

Posted by Sheldon Cooper On Monday 29 July 2013

So, I've been hearing a lot of a ruckus on twitter mainly between Musketeers and Privateers (you know who you are ;) ). Seems as I already have a privateer, I might as well see what all the ruckus is about and create a Musketeer. As well as sharing my adventures on him, I am going give my own opinion and at the end of it, a conclusion if I have decided which class is better.

Meet, Bold Alex Nichols the Musketeer.

So yeah, there he is in all of his Glorious Noobiness. I took him through the new Tutorial Today, just to give an introduction to the series and get the tiniest of tasters to what the class feels like.

After being freed by Boochbeard and his Monkey accomplice; Gandry and obtaining my first ever companion on my Musketeer; Wing Chun, I am immideatly thrown into a battle with Armada's Elite Officers, The Battle Angels.

I think you need to slow down on the yum there ol' Booch.

I managed to miraculously defeat the Battle Angels, but I didn't get off that easy, oh no. Deacon (Kane's Secret Spy-Master) summoned great big armada troops with huge guns and massive swords. Luckily, Boochbeard's men managed to blow them up (muahah). Deacon admits that I am a cunning Pirate but I am a fool to have crossed the Armada (:O) and blows up a barrel right in front of Boochbeard.

Stay Tuned for Next Week's Adventure Monday!

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  1. Well I can't wait to see what your own opinion of this class is compared to others (or even to the Privateer class). Just make sure that you remain strictly unbiased and keep an open mind! :D


    1. Don't Worry I'll keep it as Un-biased as Swordroll and Alric :P Teehee. Joking aside, I want to see what all the Hype is about. :D


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