Sunday 1 December 2013

Posted by Sheldon Cooper On Sunday 1 December 2013

This December, Adventures of the Spiral wants to give back to YOU. So, throughout the month, we'll be hosting a series of raffles to celebrate the Holidays! With prizes ranging from Crown codes to the Charity Holiday mount, you'll want to check back each day to see what we have in store!

*Day 1: Hashtag Draw; 2k Crowns and a Fog Staff. (Winner: @OwlScarlet)*
*Day 2: Comment Draw;  Random Crown Code (50-5500) and a P101 Hoard Pack (Winner: Beatriz Abott)* 
*Day 3: Hashtag Draw; 2 Hoard Packs of Choice from Wizard101 (Winner: @HunterMythVault)*
*Day 4:Comment Draw; 2k Crowns (Winner: Duncan StormThief)*
*Day 5: Hashtag Draw; Random Crown Code, Wizard101 Hoard Pack and  a Fog Staff (Winner @FrostCaller)*
*Day 6: Comments Draw: 2 Pirate101 Hoard Packs (Winner: Jereomy Calkin)*
*Day 7: Hashtag Draw; Random Crown Code (Winner: @MasonWizard)*
*Day 8: Comments Draw; 3 Pirate101 Hoard Packs (Winner: MarkOfTheGamer)*
*Day 9: Hashtag Draw; Random Crown Code and a Fog Staff (Winner: @AlexA_Lionheart)*
*Day 10: Comments Draw; 2k Crown Code and a Fog Staff (Winner: Diana SilverFlame)*
*Day 11: Hashtag Draw; 2k Crowns (Winner: @JJManGaming101)*
*Day 12: Comments Draw; 2 Yuletide Pack and a Fog Staff (Winner: Beatriz Abbot)*
*Day 13: Charity mount (Winner: Swordroll)*

From December 2nd ending December 14th, we'll be hosting a raffle each day for a variety of prizes from both Kingsisle Games.

On the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th of December the winner will be drawn from a pool of everyone who comments on this post, about their favourite thing in Pirate101 or Wizard101 involving the Holiday Celebrations!  Make sure that you are logged into your Google+ when commenting.  Your entry will not be taken if you comment anonymously.   

Next, on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th of December, the winner will be drawn from a pool of everyone who tweets the hashtag "#13DaysofAoS" and Follows the @OfficialAotS Twitter Account.

You may win a maximum of two times.

Lastly, on the 14th of December the winner of our Grand Prize, will be drawn from a pool of our Blog Followers (not Twitter Followers) to say thank you for sticking with us for so long.

Be sure to check back each day to see the prizes!  Winners will be drawn everyday at 4pm EST.  Thank you for viewing AoS, and we're hoping for another great year in 2014! Happy Holidays!

Make sure to follow the Contest Policy!

Thanks to Paige Moonshade for the 2k Crown Codes, Spiral Radio101 for the Random Crown Code and Mercenaries101 for the Fog Staffs

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  1. My favorite thing about Wiz101 Christmas celebrations is always the charity mounts! Exciting new mounts and for a good cause too!

  2. Heya! I love the spirit that attacks the spiral in December because everyone is suddenly so much nicer and happier. I also love how all of a sudden everyone brings out their Christmas mounts whether it be sleighs, deers and what not. It makes me happy and prepares me irl for it too! :)

  3. my favorite thing about the wizard101 Christmas celebration is the 12 days of Christmas. it is fun getting a surprise every day for those 12 days. you never know what you are going to get.

  4. This will be my first Christmas on Wizard101. I don't know yet my favorite thing but I'm sure I'll love the Christmas on Wizard101 :)

  5. My favorite thing involving Holiday Celebration for both games is new content that both game provides on such occasions.

  6. My favorite thing about christmas in the spiral is the (almost always) new mounts. The other thing i like is the giving tree plant. It has great rewards.

  7. My favorite thing in Wizard101 during the holidays is the new outfits and mounts! You never know how creative some people will get during December, and it's always fun seeing the new things. ;) Thanks for the contest BTW!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. My favorite thing about the Wizard101 Christmas celebration is everybody gets out the Santa suits and holiday wands. It's awesome seeing a bunch of Santas running around The Spiral.

  10. I always love the charity mounts; doing good AND having a cool mount to show you participated? Awesome deal. Helping others is a huge thing to me, especially during the holidays, so I'm glad we're given that opportunity during Christmas time.

  11. My favorite thing about holiday celebrations in Wizard101 is the new outfits!

  12. My favorite thing about Wizard101 christmas is when the commons is decorated with a christmas tree and when santa comes to shopping district

  13. My favourite christmas item in Pirate101 from last year was the Christmas Troggie companion, useful all year round :)

  14. (sorry for my english)
    This is my first time playing W101 in Christmas. I hope to see some decorations and new items :)

  15. I'm excited to see what the holidays are like in the Spiral since this is the first year I'm able to experience everything. I also can't wait to decorate my Winter Winds Tower in Wizard101 to make it look festive and awesome :)

  16. I am very excited about the possible new decorations, mounts, plants, and pets Wizard101 will implement!

  17. My favorite thing about the holidays in the spiral has always been the charity mounts. Not only do we get an unlimited mount, but the money used to purchase them goes to help children in need.

  18. My favorite thing about the Holiday celebrations in Wizard101 is seeing all those wintery mounts and the decorations in the Commons! :)

  19. Darby Willowglen3 December 2013 at 13:20

    My favorite thing about the holidays in wizard101 is the housing decorations. The snowglobes are my absolute favorite thing while decorating :)

  20. My favorite thing are the mounts (many people seem to agree with that!) I bought the Fa-la-la-la-llama last year and I love it :)

  21. My favorite things about Wiz101 Christmas celebrations are all the Christmas gear, and the fun time I have with friends while farming for it!!

  22. My favorite thing would have to be the Decorations and Festive Look that Kingsisle gives to the Commons, everytime Christmas comes around. :)

  23. My favorite thing in Wizard101 is all the new decorations in the crown shop. I can't wait when they all back to that i can buy them. I just love to decorate so much :) p.s. I hope there will be some new decorations this year.

  24. I like to hang out with friends and see their decorated homes.

  25. My favorite thing about W101 during the holidays is the Yuletide pack and the charity mounts, I absolutely love the charity mounts

  26. What i love most in wizard101 is my friends and helping people my friends can make me feel happy and I think is a time for joy and a time for happiness for every boys and girls.

  27. My favorite wizard101 christmas is the charity mount that a new one comes every year and it is awesome and rare and it's for a good cause :D;

  28. I enjoy during the holidays on w101 decorating my house to fit the whole Christmas theme.

  29. My favorite things about Wizard101 and Pirate101 are the charity mounts and the great gifts KI gives to their players

  30. Cool Contest, I hope I win something!

  31. What I love most in wizard101 is the rein deer mount for holidays is so awesome

  32. My favorite thing about Wizard101 are the friends we make and the fun adventures we have. :)

  33. My favorite thing about Pirate101 is that you have a lot of new people you mean and also they not a lot of troll's in pirate101 and mostly when you get to mooshu and MD your will full in love with the game just from my view and by the way i love that you are making this contest fro every one and i hope every one win's and so for my self happy holiday's every one :D

  34. My favorite Holiday Wizard101 thing is the Holiday plants :D

  35. I love the charity mounts and the yuletide pack when it comes to Christmas in Wizard101! :) The charity mounts always go for an amazing cause, raising money for select fundraisers. Plus, the mounts are always getting more and more creative each passing year! :D I'm excited to see if the Yuletide pack will be giving new attire, just like the Nightmare Pack did.

  36. I really love the charity mounts, they are always so exotic and very awesome and rare because they never come back!

  37. My favorite thing in Christmas is the holiday items. In my opinion I think that they fit the theme of Christmas perfectly. The yuletide packs are also good, I am pretty sure everyone agrees with me. :)

  38. My favorite thing about Christmas in W101 is the fantastically annual charity mounts. I'm so grateful to call the Noelephant mine, and the Reindeer Sleigh from last year as well! They're both so cool and it's amazing what a great cause they go to! I'm so glad I could participate in the charity and give! After all, Christmas is to give presents and share happiness and joy! I'm so glad to be with Wizard101 for another year happily! Merry Christmas everyone!


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