Wednesday 3 December 2014

Posted by Sheldon Cooper On Wednesday 3 December 2014
Ahoy! It's that time of year again, and at AoS we sure do know how to celebrate! Throughout the month of December, starting from today (3rd) to the 24th December (excluding weekends) we will be holding raffles for Pirate101 Prizes ranging from 2000 crowns to the latest Hoodoo Bundle. Check back each day to find out what prizes are on offer!

Day 1: Comment Draw; 2.5k Crowns + Tribal Crew Card Pack + Grizzly Beast Card Pack (Winner: Asynnok@twitter)

Day 2: Twitter Hashtag Draw; One Random Tribal Crew Pack Companion + 2.5k Crowns (Winner: @korgre)

Day 3: Comment Draw; 2.5k Crowns + Grizzly Beast Card Pack (Winner: @LoganMistSpear)

Day 4: Twitter Hashtag Draw; One Random Tribal Crew Pack Companion + One Random Grizzly Beast Pack Companion (Winner: @EvanSilver_)

Day 5: Comment Draw; 5k Crowns + One Random Grizzly Beast Companion (Winner: @Dx_Chukang)

Day 6: Twitter Hashtag Draw; 2.5k Crowns + Grizzly Beast Card Pack 
(Winner: @mewthree3)

Day 7: Comment Draw; 2.5k Crowns + Grizzly Beast Card Pack 
(Winner: @AluraSilver)

Day 8: Twitter Hashtag Draw; 5k Crowns + One Random Tribal Crew Pack Companion (Winner: @IBlossom1)

Day 9: Comment Draw; Random Grizzly Beast Pack Companion + 5k Crowns (Winner: @MasonWizard)

Day 10: Twitter Hashtag Draw; 2.5k Crowns + Admiral Bundle 
(Winner: @Swordroll)

Day 11: Comment Draw; 2.5k Crowns + Tribal Crew Pack 
(Winner: @FrostCaller1)

Day 12: Twitter Hashtag Draw; 5k Crowns + Tribal Crew Pack + Grizzly Beast Card Pack (Winner: @TheSpiralWonder)

Day 13: Comment Draw; 5k Crowns + Tribal Crew Pack
(Winner: @swashbuckler777)

Day 14: Twitter Hashtag Draw; 2.5k Crowns + Tribal Crew Pack
(Winner: @AlSilverheart)

Day 15: Twitter Hashtag Draw AND Comment Draw; Hoodoo Bundle/Empire Bundle + 2.5k Crowns each
(Winners: @J_James41 and @MDaisyPants)

On the days with an even number (on the image, not the actual day), the winners will be drawn from a pool of everyone who tweets the hashtag "#15DaysofAoS" and follows our twitter, @OfficialAotS.

On the days with an odd number (on the image, not the actual day), the winners will be drawn from a pool of everyone who comments on this post about their favorite thing about the holidays, please remember to tell us your Community Name and Twitter Name so that we can contact you with your prize OR make sure you are logged into your Google+ account when commenting and that your Google+ account is public so we can message you via Hangouts.

You can win a maximum of two times. 

Lastly, on Day 15 the winners of the Grand Prize will be drawn from all the people who tweet the hashtag AND those who comment on this blog post. 

Winners will be drawn everyday at 5pm EST.

Happy Holidays and here's to a fantastic ending to 2014!

Make sure to follow the Contest Policy!
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  1. One of my favorite things of the holidays is the return of the holiday items in the Crowns shop and the generosity of KingsIsle and their charitable mounts.

  2. My favorite things about the holidays are the friends, family, and food. It is a time to remember what matters most in life. A time for giving and forgiving. Tatiana Shadowflame aka @tatshadowflame

  3. My favorite thing about the holidays are the cookies.

  4. My favorite things about the holiday is that I get to see my family and I get off from school :)
    ~Caleb Redeyes~
    ~@Awsom92~ on twitter

  5. My favorite part about the holidays are the presents you get! And of course, spending time with family. ;)

    Twitter Name: @BrandonOwlSword

  6. Everything! I love the food, Christmas tree, my family and decorations. 'tis the season to be jolly and to celebrate the year ahead!

  7. My favorite thing about the holidays is spending time with my family that are far away since I only meet them once in a while :D
    Forgot to put my community name which is: James DragonCatcher
    Twitter: @Korgre
    Please delete the other comment O:

  8. My favorite part of the holidays is the 3 F's: Friends, Family, and Food!

  9. My favorite part of the holidays is taking a break from working and being able to relax and play my favorite online games!

  10. My favorite thing about the holidays is getting to travel back home to Texas to spend time with my family. I love my family and whats more is now that I have kids I really really appreciate free babysitting. So underrated!

  11. My favorite part of the holiday is the food. Once in a year there will be turkey, ham and lots of delicacies on the dining table...Yum!

    I'm Alejandro. Twitter name is @Dx_Chukang

  12. I love catching up with family members on the holidays. It's nice to get together with all of them to see how they've been.


  13. Everything for sure! The songs, Visiting family, Food and Playing P101 And W101! :)

    Twitter @LoganMistSpear

  14. Favorite part is definitely Christmas dinner! Lots of yummy foood everywhere! *-*

  15. My favorite part about the holidays is the break we get to spend time with family, friends, and enjoying the holiday festivities both in real life and in-game in Wizard101 and Pirate101! :D

    Twitter: @AmberFiresword
    Thanks for the contest!!

  16. Elijah Battlehaven5 December 2014 at 12:24

    What I like is giving presents to my family.
    My twitter is: @Elijah_BH

  17. I just La-La-La-La-La-La-La-La-Love the bunches of Milk And Cookies I munch away at on Christmas day before everyone wakes up just to make my younger cousins think Santa decided to swing by at night :P Twitter account is @BlainyKid

  18. My favorite part of Christmas is that I get double the presents, because I was born on Christmas. Either that or I'm getting 50% less presents. But I still love the holidays, especially when it snows, which here it hasn't yet.
    Twitter: @HenryHerovrine

  19. My favorite thing about Christmas is spending time with my family and watching old Christmas movies with them
    Twitter: @Tristanlegendw

  20. My favorite part of the holidays is going to look at lights and decorating the tree with my kids. <3

    Roslyn RoseHeart
    Twitter: @RoslynRoseHeart

  21. My favorite part of the holiday is having fun when my family are together because my family is always busy with work, we never had the time to get together.

    Andrew Soulhaven
    Twitter: @AndrewSoulhaven

  22. I love that feeling of warmth when you are home on Christmas and the food of course :D @Ma1kavian

  23. I'm sure I posted this already 2 days ago but I can't see my reply. My favorite part of the holiday is spending time with my family.
    Twitter: @NoemiCimpoeru

  24. My favorite part of holiday is exchanging present with my family.
    Twitter: @AlNeuu

  25. I love the holidays. There is so much to see and appreciate in our world. The whole pace of life slows down and its very enjoyable. Thanks for the contest. Twitter User: @MasonWizard

  26. Elijah Battlehaven8 December 2014 at 07:54

    My favorite thing about the holidays is being with family.
    Elijah Battlehaven

  27. My favorite part of the holidays is the 3 F's: Friends, Family, and Food!
    Twitter: @Mr_RT101

  28. I love the holidays because it brings my family and friends together. We all get so busy and don't talk or see each other as much as we should. It's nice to feel that togetherness and remember that we have a lot of special people in our lives.

  29. My favorite thing about the holidays is spending time with my family
    Twitter @gracieconrad101 **

  30. My favorite thing about the holidays are the time with family and all the editions to many games.
    ~Caleb Redeyes~
    ~@awsom92 on twitter~

  31. My favorite thing about the holidays are gifting something special to my friends :D

  32. My favorite thing about the holidays is all the fun traditions with my family. We do things like driving around looking at Christmas lights, going to seasonal Christmas stores and having a casual, immediate-family-only day on Christmas Day. I wouldn't have it any other way!

  33. Best thing about the holidays? Probably the food. Now if only it came without the weight gain...

  34. My favorite thing about the holidays is getting to visit my cousins since I only see them once a year. :)

    Daniel - @dannywizzy94 on twitter

  35. The best thing about the holidays is the quality time I get to spend with my friends and family. I'm usually wrapped up in work, but now I can watch some christmas channels on T.V. and admire the snow falling. My favorite thing to do is definitely putting up christmas decor. It gives our house a festive look :))
    Julia Rainbreaker

  36. my favorite part of the holidays is just being with friends and family.

  37. almost forgot, lol
    you could just hangouts me on google plus or you could catch me on twitter here

  38. One of my favorite things about the holidays is all the delicious treats

  39. I love to throw snowballs at Katherine.

  40. I like no school when it snows c:

  41. My favorite thing about christmas is the anticipation of whats to come for the 12 days in the spiral event.

    Twitter: @_stormy12

  42. My favorite thing about the holidays is usually the smell of the christmas tree - it's just very refreshing and makes the house feel more comfortable.

    Much love to y'all <3

  43. My favorite thing about christmas is Family and friends.

    Hunter NightBlade

  44. My favorite thing about the Holidays is spending time with family and friends :)
    My community name is Frostcaller (@FrostCaller1)

  45. My favorite thing about the holidays is spending time with my family and friends, I love to watch movies with them on Christmas.
    Twitter: @gracieconrad101

  46. My favorite thing is the Christmas decorations. Snowman, jingle bells, wrappers, presents...lots of them.

    I am Loveable Flora.

  47. My favorite thing about Christmas is playing outside in the snow and then warming up inside by the fire with family TV :) Twitter: @gameface_808

  48. My favorite thing about the holidays are eating a lot and spending time with my family. :) Twitter: @ smurguia2

  49. My favorite thing about the holidays is spending time with my family.
    Madeline LightBright @MDaisypants

  50. My favorite thing about the holidays is spending time with family
    Twitter: @ PatrickDeath12

  51. My favorite thing about the holidays is no school c:
    Twitter: @StormKnight16

  52. My favourite thing about the holidays is all the great food like ham you can get <3
    @AinsworthA on twitter

  53. My favourite thing about the holidays is the giving. Whether it be to a family member, a friend or a complete stranger it brings everyone joy to see the bright and thankful smile on the person's face :)
    ~~Bad Terri Jones


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