Sunday 1 March 2015

Posted by Unknown On Sunday 1 March 2015

Last Saturday (February 21st), Wizard101 hosted a Fishing Tournament!   This fishing tournament entailed Wizards to fish around the Spiral for the chance to win crowns.  This lasted a whole 24 hours and many Wizards found it to be a lot of fun.

How Do You Win?

Wizard101 offered 60,000 crowns to three Wizards who:
Caught the largest fish
Caught the shortest fish
Caught the most epic fish

Wizard101 also offered 10,000 crowns to five different Wizards who:
Caught the most Dekoi fish
Caught the smallest Jellyfish type fish
Caught the smallest Eel type fish
Caught the largest Codfather
Caught the largest Todd Pole

That totals up to 230,000 crowns!

Boss Hog of Fishing

With my love for fishing, I decided to participate in this fishing tournament.  I thought it was a great idea to participate so I can not only have fun, but I can also get the crowns I need for Pirate101.

I had a few thoughts as to what my strategy would be and what exactly I should be going for.  I figured catching epic fish would be a pain but would be a lot of fun to do again.  I realized that this was a risky way to go and I would have to be spending crowns since this had to do with the quantity of fish.  Now, let me tell you, I used a lot of energy elixirs.

I was up bright and early to start fishing.  I began by fishing for the epic fish that were the only of their school in the pond.  Once I moved on to the Boss Hog, I figured out that since the lake had so many fish, it’s inevitable that a Boss Hog would appear!

I decided to just repeatedly cast Summon Fish, cross my fingers, and cast Reveal Fish.  The Boss Hog would come up pretty often but it all came down to luck.  After about four hours, I was at 20 epic fish.  I kept going because I didn’t know if there was someone else who was doing well.

By the time I was at 85 fish, after about 15 hours, I was contemplating whether to stop.  After some discussion with some friends, I decided to keep on going until I got 101 because I thought that would be such a great number to stop at.  After fishing for 20 hours straight, I finally got to 101 epic fish!  I was finally done fishing for the day and was exhausted.  I am super surprised that I haven’t gotten tired of fishing especially after this and working endless hours on the Fishing Database.

After two days of waiting desperately for the Fishing Tournament results…  I found out I won!  I was very happy that not only did I have a great time fishing, but I also won 60,000 crowns!  I then found out that the runner up had 20 epic fish!  I found (and still find) that surprising.  While I ended up catching 103 fish instead of the 101 that I meant to catch, I still had a great time!

Let us know if you participated in the Fishing Tournament and if you did, how was your experience?  Let us know in the comments!

Hopefully we’ll be seeing many more contests like this in the future because they are a ton of fun!

Thank you Swordroll from Swordroll's Blog for the Boss Hog render and Wizard101 for the Lucky Hookline render!
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1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! That was extremely well done - hope that it did not take long for you to recover your real life energy (after 20 hours straight fishing) - guess your real life energy potions were lots of coffee!

    I participated but only for a few hours (using two different wizards) one was eel fishing and the other was trying to catch a catfish in order to hand in the quest to that pelican!

    Even with the aid of an energy potion and a fishing luck elixir that catfish refused to be caught! I'm planning to try again to get it, once the membership perk has finished.


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