Monday 20 April 2015

Posted by Unknown On Monday 20 April 2015

Today is National Look-Alike Day!  In celebration, KingsIsle decided to make an awesome meet up on Pirate101 and Wizard101 but there was a catch!

On Wizard101, wizards were asked to make a Taylor Swift character:

This meetup had a lot of people and was a lot of fun with the confusion of who is who.  There were Taylor Swifts everywhere! There were so many Taylor Swifts that the area was filled. Thanks to Chrissy The Blesser, I had to teleport about 10 times before I was finally able to get in!

On Pirate101, pirates were asked to make a Daniel Radcliffe character:

While there were fewer people, it was still a ton of fun with all the dancing Daniel Radcliffes (and the dancing Transport Golem mount)! Note to self: Take the time to make your new pirate well before the event or you will be forced to rush through it and end up choosing the wrong color like I did. If you look at the vine, you can easily spot an orange Daniel. That thing your Mom told you about not procrastinating? Well I guess she was right.

All in all, these were great meetups by KingsIsle and I hope to see many more.  I was even thinking of a Wizard101 Luke Skywalker meetup for if there is a next time! What would you like to see in the future?

I want to quickly thank Chrissy The Blesser for making the graphic for this post. It was last minute and very generous of her to do! Additionally, it's a great graphic!
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