Monday 25 May 2015

Posted by Unknown On Monday 25 May 2015

The free tournament member benefit ended not too long ago, and it was absolutely wonderful. But you know what would make it even better? Derby tournaments! A lot of people were surprised when derby tournaments weren’t added with PvP tournaments, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t appear in the future. Here are just a few reasons why derby tournaments would be excellent, and even work better than PvP tournaments. 

1. Diego, who?

Races have a clear winner each and every time (usually). KI would need to figure out something for a possible tie, but that is nothing compared to leaving PvP decisions in Diego’s hands. A solution I could think of right away would be to award any players who tie the same number of points.

2. Races are quick, and so would matches

Races are usually 2-5 minutes long. With the 4 round tournament setup now with PvP tournaments, you could finish an entire tournament in 8-20 minutes. Tournaments would be fast, and people would be able to join more of them in the same amount of time.

3. The possibilities are endless

Basic tournament types could be teen, adult, ancient, epic, and mega, but the possibilities beyond that are close to limitless. Just take a look at some past derby tournaments on Wizard101 Central for a few options. KI could have derby tournaments for specific school pets, certain pedigree ranges, and even pets dropped from certain worlds! Whereas PvP can get a bit repetitive, derby has so many options and ways to change the races to make them interesting and different each and every time.

4. The derby crowd needs a better way to get tickets

A first place in derby awards you a measly 3 tickets. This is assuming that there are 4 people in the race. With 3 people, the winner gets 2 tickets. One PvP tournament can yield around 500 tickets. To get that same amount, a derby racer would need to race 167 times! They would need to race even more if they didn't get first place in every single race. Derby just isn’t an effective way to earn tickets right now. Let’s change that with derby tournaments!

5. It would help bring needed attention to derby

Derby’s following has been decreasing each and every day for multiple reasons. With the addition of derby tournaments, people may become interested in derby again and the community would thrive and be thankful for it! Derby needs your help KI!

There you have it, 5 reasons why derby tournaments should and need to happen! Have any other ideas? Let us know in the comments!
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