Monday 29 June 2015

Posted by Unknown On Monday 29 June 2015

Adventures of the Spiral is having a screenshot contest!

First Prize: 10,000 Crowns and a Floating Mountains Tapestry
Second Prize: 2,500 Crowns and a Floating Mountains Tapestry
Third Prize: 2,500 Crowns
Fourth Prize (Random Draw): 1,000 Crowns
Fifth Prize (Random Draw): Floating Mountains Tapestry

We want to celebrate the fun of summer with your amazing screenshots or your wizard or pirate having some fun in the sun.  Just think of your favorite way to have some fun in the sun and have your wizard or pirate illustrate that in as creative way as you can. 

Don't forget to hit Ctrl-G to clear your screen of game controls so your shot will look it's best. 

Please let us know what your activity is and your wizard's or pirate's name either on your entry or include the information in your email.  Below is just an example of how you can accomplish this although please feel free to be as creative as you wish. 

You will have until Sunday July 5th at 11:59pm Central Standard Time to get your entries in.
Send your entries to and put "Fun in the sun contest" as the topic. 
Feel free to send in a shot of one wizard and one pirate each but only one winner per person is allowed.

We will be featuring the winning entries and possible more of our favorites in a slideshow once we announce the winners.

OK Shutterbugs...Time to get snapping. :D


First place: Hunter Frost
"My wizard is tanning......sort of. As a wizard from Polaris I don't get to do a lot of beach activties.  I heard there are a lot of fountains and rivers in "Wizard city" and the water is really warm.  If I win crowns,I could definitely go see them for myself.Battling penguins and polar bears isn't that fun anymore.But lets look on the bright side "The cold never bothered me anyway" .
Plus I'm sure there is plenty of sunlight somewhere in the picture..."

Second place: Colin Starweaver
"My favorite activity is playing the bass guitar in my band."

Third place: Alura Stardust

Fourth place: Iridian Willowglen

Fifth place: Scarlet Firerider

We got incredible entries and it was very hard to choose who would win.  Congratulations to the winners!

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Posted by Chrissy The Blesser On Wednesday 24 June 2015

   Yes we all know that it's been over 2 years since the last storyline update for our beloved Pirate101 game. Yup, we are aware that they broke Wizard101's record for longest time between story updates.
We are also aware of some of the players really giving the developers a really hard time about it.  Every time Pirate101 releases something fun for us like a pet or neat stuff to buy or just plain free stuff to celebrate a special day I see many players responding in a really ungrateful way as they show off their impatience.  No matter what nice things they do for us, the common response is "Where is Book 15"?  "Yea that's really nice but I would rather have Book 15".  "I am not renewing my subscription until you give me Book 15".

   There are threads all over Central with doomsayers and negativity dripping off of them as they rant about how poorly they think Pirate101 is handling this and how they think it should be done.

   Well I happen to trust the great team that created this wonderful game and I believe them when they say that the new content is in the works.  I think it's high time we fans and fan sites not sit back and just shake our heads at all of this haranguing on the developers. I think we need to let them know we stand behind them and we are cheering them on with well deserved pats on the back for their remarkable endurance and for working SO hard for us for SO long. We are in your corner.  All of you gifted artists and programers that are busting your tushes through this long haul are our heros.  We don't want you to think that we have given up on you. We know you have been working at a feverish pace for such a long time and we don't want you to feel even a little unappreciated as you toil through what must, by now, seem like a thankless task.  We are behind you and are willing to do whatever we can to help you get through this.

   Yes we would love to hear something encouraging from you. No teasers, vines or having to break the "That would be telling" clause is being hinted at here.  Just an encouraging word to let us know that all our patience WILL be rewarded WHEN it is ready would be beyond appreciated but is not the point of this post.  We just want to let you know that we support you, we celebrate you and we encourage you in any way we can help cheer you on.

   Of course I am aware of the lack of communication as to why it is taking so long and what their hopes are for the new content release but that does not break my faith in the team that did so much to create our beloved game.  Blind Mew told us that Marleybone and Aquila were well on their way when the game was launched so the quick addition of the new books was bit deceiving.   They didn't pull that off in 6 months, it was almost completed before the game was even released.

   The kind of quality and craftsmanship that makes up our spiral does not happen quickly and many are so easily forgetful of all the non story updates and game mechanics revamping that has happened.  It is no small thing that was done to make all the changes and improvements the game has had in the last 2 years.  It has, by no means, been a drought of new content as the months have passed by.  With weapon and skill repairs, total pet revamping and training along with pet sparring, many new quests in the first areas of the storyline, wonderful and challenging dungeons that drop amazing gear or scrip, the output from the developers has been pretty amazing.

   Let's check the records in the Monquista Library and look at the time line and you will see just how hard they have all been working.

   As you can see the developers at Pirate101 have been far from unproductive and these are only the highlights. You can check the update pages yourself and see just how many myriad of things have been improved and adjusted since Books 13 and 14 were released.

   So, on top of all these massive updates that have happened in the last 2 years, the development team has also been hard at work creating brand new content to bring us, finally, further along in Blind Mew's wonderful plot line.

   To all your creative magicians on the Pirate101 side of the Spiral,  we know you are really working hard to please and delight us and despite what all the very vocal whiners and complainers have been saying, your loyal fans and fansites are in your corner and greatly applaud your efforts in our behalf.

   Ok fellow readers and loyal fans of Pirate101, let's give the hard working staff your words of encouragement in the comment section below.  I am sure it will really make their day to read how much faith we all have in them. 

Blessings and giggles on your day

Monday 22 June 2015

Posted by Unknown On Monday 22 June 2015

Many people are very excited when a new world comes out, they quest through it, finish, give a big "Yayyyyy!" then are unsure what to do. Your adventures in the spiral don't have to end when the storyline does, there are many things to do to keep you occupied until a new update comes! 

1. Level up another Wizard

Haven't experienced all of the schools that this game has to offer? Level up a few more! Each school is different and requires a different mentality when questing. Try your hand at them all and see what you like best!

2. Pets Pets Pets!

Pets are hard to perfect, but that's what makes them a great long term project! Working on a few pets can also help you when new content DOES come out. Are you already satisfied with the pets you have? Hatch your pets out to others or create a hatch group.

3. Derby!!!

I fully approve of this option. ;) If you're a little bored with the game, try your hand at making some derby pets and racing them in ranked. Maybe you just want to obtain the Pet Warlord badge, but who knows, it very well could turn into something you really enjoy. 

4. PvP

PvP is a completely different beast compared to questing. PvP requires different strategies and different spell use. Mastering it is challenging, but it's a fun hobby to take up and pass the time. PvP is known to have some bad eggs, but try to surround yourself with people who hold the same ideals as you. Form a PvP group that just wants to have fun-win or lose. If ranked isn't your thing, try PvP tournaments.  

5. Help Others

Sure, you may be done with the game, but there are plenty of others who have not. Use the Join Up tent or Team-Up! to help other wizards in need. You can also head over to Wizard101 Central and help people by looking in the "In Game Help and Meet Ups" section. If you're inspired enough, create your own helping group.

6. Let's Go Fish

Fishing was a recent addition to the spiral, but it is full of fun puns, cute creatures, and a great way to explore past areas of the spiral. Feeling like a reel challenge? Try to catch a whopper and small fry of each type of fish! Need help wrangling them in? Check out our Fishing Database here. 

7. Housing Mania/Parties

Make your castle or dorm a masterpiece with house decorating! If you need some tips, Paige Moonshade, the housing PRO, has some on her website here. If you're looking to make a house that's a bit more interactive, you can also make a maze, start a few housing games, or hold a house party.

8. Gardening

Gardening can reap great potential rewards that help you in other areas of the game. Whether it be mega snacks, TCs, or reagents, gardening can be a big help for almost anybody. 

9. Collecting

TCs, pets, badges, tapestries, name it! Collecting will keep you busy for months or even years to come! 

10. Publications

If you're into putting things together, try your hand at making a Wizard101 themed digital magazine or publication. 

11. Live Stream or Make Videos

Whether it be instructional guides, live streaming, or just sharing your farming adventures, making videos is a great hobby to get into that allows you to share your experiences with others. 

12. Make/Join a Guild

There may not be official guilds in Wizard101, but there are plenty of groups to look into. Find a group that meets your interests, or make your own and watch it grow. 

13. Fan Fiction

Unleash your creative side and write Wizard101 fan fiction. Put your character into unique situations or create and imagine your own far off place. 

14. Fan Art

Is drawing your passion? Take the Wizard101 game and bring it to life through drawings, sculpture, or paintings. Do you like to bake? Bake a Wizard101 themed cake! What about graphics? Do you like to manipulate images and use Photoshop or GIMP? Art comes in many forms and your creativity can be expressed in many ways.
This fan art was made by Camille (top) and Frostcaller (bottom)

15. Contribute to the Wiki

You may have finished all your quests, but the wiki is ALWAYS a work in progress. Re-battle some bosses, take a picture of your drops, and see what's missing on the wiki. You can help the community by contributing to the wiki, and the community will thank you for it. ;)
The wiki is located here.

16. Blog!

Have a lot to say or want to share your ideas? Create a free site and blog your heart out. The options are limitless and you can even expand beyond the spiral. 

Have any other ideas? Let us know in the comments!

Friday 19 June 2015

Posted by Chrissy The Blesser On Friday 19 June 2015

   As you sail through the skyways you encounter all kinds of really colorful characters asking for the most unusual favors.  Being a pirate, snarkiness is just how we roll, it's part of the Pirate Code after all.  Being a smart pirate though we know we cannot just spout off when ever we want to because, to be honest, these guys are a little rough around the edges.

   These are the snarky little quips that have gone through every pirate's mind yet discretion kept them from passing through our lips.

   1)   When confronted by rude players or snarky bosses:

 "This is my Uncle Ratty.  He looks out for me."

   2)   While Battling Stormzilla in Mooshu:

"Oh THIS is gonna leave a mark!"

   3)   When talking with Emperor Tibirdius and he gestures with his sword:

"That's not a knife.   THAT'S a knife!"

   4)   In Aquila Fighting Colossus:

"Oh was THAT your chin?  My bad."

   5)   To Don Rodrigo:

   "GASP!  YOU'RE El Toro?  I had no IDEA!" 
*Wipes dripping sarcasm off of screen*

   6)   To Bonnie Anne and Ratbeard:

"Will you two quit bickering like little children or
 I am gonna make you BOTH walk the plank!"

   7)   To General Tso's Ships:

"Just hand over the rice and I may let you keep a ship or two."
*One week later*
  "OK, OK, you have more ships than Mooda. 
Please let me have some rice and I will quietly go away."

   8)   To Inoshishi Bandits:

"OK I am not leaving until you hand over that key!" 
Two weeks later......"I didn't mean it!  
PLEASE may I just borrow it for a little while?"

   9)   When giving tax money back to the Yagizawa Villagers:

*Sets Bonnie Anne as First Mate to follow and runs around singing; 
"Robin Hood and Little John Running Through the Forest" 
and Says "Oo-De-Lally" upon presenting each bag of gold.*
© Walt Disney Studios

   10)   To Moo Manchu:

"Let me suggest two things to you: 
Towering Inferno and BBQ."

   11)   To Friar Sand:

"Let's just skip all the chit chat. You hand over the goods or 
Catbeard will smack you with his fish." 
Friar Sand: "Nooooooooooooooooo!"

   12)   To Red Fox:

"Well SOMEone sure got up on the wrong side 
of the foxhole this morning!"

   13)   To Hawkules:

"YES, I have heard who your daddy is and if you remind me one more time 
I am gonna make you bunk with El Toro."

   14)   To Rooke:

"Hey Rooke, Ya can't touch THIS!"

   15)   To Wizard Players:

"We Pirates, we take this jeweling thing to a whole new level."

"You have dragons......We have DRAGONS!"

"You wizards use traps, right?  
Let us pirates teach you a thing or two about TRAPS!"

"You wizards have a cute little Phoenix there. 
Have you seen ours?"

   19)   To Catbeard:

"Of COURSE I was serious! 
You are getting a bath the moment I 'Get You Outta Here'."

   20)   To the powers that be:

"Now THIS is precisely why any 
respectable pirate needs some lockpicking skills."

   21)   After a Kracken wave damages your ship:

"Hey Storm Lord!  A little help here."

   22)   Whenever you arrive at your house:

*Immediately starts talking in baby talk 
to all the pets guarding the place.*

   23)   While traveling through The Passage:

"Come on crew, It's time to play Whack a Scylla."

   24) After finally earning the right to buy your Pegasus, there is a bit of a 
         steep learning curve with this fight thing:

"Flying lesson number one: 
Never try to land with your eyes closed."

   25)   At the end of every good and noble pirate's day:

"Wrongs righted, wreckage and destruction in my wake, 
my work here is done."

   I am sure I am not the only pirate with an inclination to be a smart alec. I bet you have lots of hysterical one liners that will crack us all up.  Please leave comments with your best, snarkiest comebacks and we will all get our fill of sass filled fun. :D

   Blessings and Giggles on ya.

P.S. If you haven't read it yet, please be sure to catch Vanessa Mythdust's "25 Things A Wizard Would Never Say Aloud" 

Thanks to Harmony Everheart for arranging a modeling session with Hawkules for me. :D