Monday 15 June 2015

Posted by Unknown On Monday 15 June 2015

During our adventures across the Spiral, I'm sure we've all had thoughts that we would rather not say aloud. After all, you don't want to know what would happen if you did! Well, today the secrets come out. Here are 25 things that a wizard thinks, but would never say aloud!

Merle Ambrose

1. "I understand you may not have the best vision, but you really can't tell what gender I am?"

2. "Do you really have 'Big News' for me or are you just lonely?"

3. "I haven't even started class yet, and you want me to duel Malistaire's minions?!"

4. "Aren't YOU supposed to be the super awesome powerful wizard? Why are you putting me in danger to do all of these tasks?

5. "Some help here would be nice....."

Cyrus Drake

6. "Do your own laundry."

7. "No wonder why myth wizards are the rarest in the Spiral...."

8. "Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm a wizard too?"

9. "You scare me."

10. “Do you even hold class? I don’t remember ever attending?”


11. "Please hurry up into the battle circle so I can kill you."

12. "You stunning me will not help you any. It only delays your demise...and makes me angry. Don't make me angry."


14. “Can’t you just play by the rules?”

15. Don’t you DARE earthquake!”


16. "I sort of need to save the world....can't you take care of party invitations and such by yourself?"

17. “Nooo….no more greyhorn mercenaries. Anything but that!”

18. “I’m a wizard, not your servant.”

19. “Do you ever leave this spot? When do you eat? Or sleep?”

20. “I don’t really care about you, I just want your XP.”


21. “How is my backpack able to fit 4 mounts, 50 pets, and about 10 pairs of clothes? And where is it? It's never on my back...."

22. “Down, down, down shouldn't even be a combination!”

23. “Pet, that’s not good enough.”

*Thanks to Prince of Shadows for this pic!*

25. “I wish we could all get along like we did before the death school fell. I wish Khrulhu would bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy…”

Those are my 25 thoughts, do you have your own? Let us know in the comments!

*Stay tuned for the Pirate101 version of this post this Friday!*

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