Monday 28 September 2015

Posted by Unknown On Monday 28 September 2015
I've been a blogger here since July 2014. I still remember getting my invitation from Sheldon Cooper a little over a year ago. Seeing that invitation gave me so much joy, and I was excited to be a part of a great team. Although, I was also a little nervous. I had never thought of myself as a blogger, and now I was throwing myself into it! Well, I can now say that throwing myself into it was one of the best decisions I ever made.

Looking back on my posts here now, I see my evolution. My first post was a theory-crafting post about possible new holiday fish. It accomplished what I wanted to at the time, but then I look into the future and see my 25 Things a Wizard Would Never Say Aloud, Diary of a Lost Soul, and Jingle All The Way posts. By the end of my journey here I found my "niche." I found myself.

Yes, I did say the end of my journey. It is with a heavy heart that I announce my retirement from Adventures of the Spiral. My decision has nothing to do with AoS or any of its staff. I absolutely love AoS, and the year I have spent here has been fantastic. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment and leaving was a hard and big decision to make. Ultimately, I felt that it was time to move on and grow on my own.

Before I depart, I want to thank each and every member of AoS for all that they've done. You have no idea of the impact you've had on me. All of you are very motivated, passionate, and kind people. I know that AoS will continue to thrive in the same fashion that it has been. I wish nothing but the best for you all, and AoS, in the future.

Thank you for everything. :)

~Vanessa Mythdust
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all the fun you brought! I wish you luck wherever you go.


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