Wednesday 30 October 2013

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday 30 October 2013

1.  When did you first start playing Wizard101?  Pirate101?  How did you find out about the games?

Started Wizard101 back in February of 2010, and Pirate101 when it went live! I found Wizard101 through an ad. I looked at it and thought "this can either be a virus, or the beginning of an awesome adventure of a game". Luckily, it was the later!

2.  Is there something you would like to change or add in Wizard101?  Pirate101?

With Wizard101 I'd probably go with the pets. I've had several pets fail on me, and I'm not the only one! I wish you would just give your pet a hug and it gives you all the amazing talents you want. With Pirate I'd probably say the sailing time, it can take soooo long to get from one area to the next! I usually doodle during this down time though, so it's not that bad for me!

3.  When did you get inspired to begin graphics for the KI games? What got you inspired?

It's tough to say when, probably around 2011. I remember seeing some of the awesome fan art for Wizard101 and I just knew I had to be a part of it! And I just get my inspiration from playing the games!

4.  What made you create a YouTube channel showing how you make your doodles?

 I've always (and still am) a huge fan of drawing videos! I love watching artists, that I admire, draw stuff! I found it super helpful, and I figured it would be only fair to contribute with my stuff to help those who like my art!

5.  Why did you make your blog site, Art in the Spiral?  Did something or someone inspire you?  If so, what or who?

With my site, I wanted a place for people to go to get help with drawing! I also wanted one place to post all my shenanigans.

6.  Your blog site, Art in the Spiral recently became official for Pirate101.  How did you feel?

It was awesome!! It was a huge step for me and my art in the fact that more people will find my art and tutorials, and I would be able to help more people than before! And it also means that Pirate101 approves of my doodles! Hah!

7.  As a dedicated doodle artist, do you have any tips or information for other artists in the community?

Well with doodles, as with any art, it's important to keep practicing and trying new things! Play around with different styles, colors, shapes, and sizes!

8.  To conclude the interview, what would you like to say to the Wizard101 and Pirate101 community?

I just want to say thank you, and that I am so very happy that I found this awesome community!! We may be small compared to other communities, but we are significantly more awesome! I love how positive and nice we are. I rarely ever seen foul and rude comments, which is often seen quite often  in other communities! I love you guys <3


Thanks for the interview Alura!

This interview was to follow up our first Community Spotlight post on AluraRB and her blog, Art in the Spiral.  

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