Monday 7 October 2013

Posted by Sheldon Cooper On Monday 7 October 2013

Hello Everybody, this is our first post of  "Community Spotlight" since its announcement, hopefully you all enjoy it!

This Month on Community Spotlight

That's right, this month's Community Spotlight post is about AluraRB or "The Doodle Lady". 

AluraRB first started out "doodling" on Wizard101 Central with her shop; "Art in the Spiral" back in July 2012, her doodles quickly became massively popular on Central and everyone wanted one (even me!) and it wasn't too long till everyone knew what her doodle styles were like.

Her art didn't stop there; She's been featured on the Pirate101 Fan Art Page and the Kingsisle Official Blog! 

After a little over a year creating doodles for Central Members, she moved onto her blog; Art in the Spiral ( Her blog quickly became popular and the "#Twizards and #Twirates" community on twitter were taken over by doodles!

This month (October), AluraRB was accepted as an Official Fansite for Pirate101, this a huge honour for any fansite and the community are all very proud of her!

Here is an example of her work:

(It's Me!!! She made it for me :D)

Take a look at the Drawing Process Alura goes through when she does a doodle, on her YouTube Page!

Thanks for Reading!

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  1. Alura's doodles are rad. I always enjoy them, but I think I like her YouTube vids of them more. Really makes me wish I could draw!

  2. They are totally awesome, and yes; it certainly makes me wish I was much better at drawing!


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