Friday 24 January 2014

Posted by Sheldon Cooper On Friday 24 January 2014
Disclaimer; The conclusions and views of this post are purely based around Game Knowledge and Educated Guesses, they do not reflect the views of Kingsisle Entertainment and are not definite. 

If you haven’t already checked it out, be sure to familiarize yourself with our last issue in this segment, located [here]. In this part, we’ll be taking a look at and trying to understand some hints KingsIsle have already dropped in game… hints that you’ve probably just skipped right over, but they’re certainly very important.

Valencia’s Role

The Pirate101 website has some interesting lore behind the current state of Valencia. While it’s likely for us to see this firsthand when we take a second trip there, it’s interesting to see the way the world is running. Aragon Skyway is a rather remote part of Valencia, so we haven’t truly witnessed what actual life is like there.

“The Skyways of Valencia have more Stormgates than any other realm in the Spiral - Valencians say their realm is the heart of the Spiral, and most sky charts are drawn with Valencia at the center. Valencia has used its location to flower into a thriving hub of trade and shipping between the realms.”

“Valencia is [. . .] home to the hardy Crabs and pragmatic Guinea Pigs, who serve as the hard-working middle class to the Unicorn elite. Skilled craftsmen and tireless laborers, their efforts sustain the magnificent (some would say decadent) lifestyle of the Unicorns. Guilds and Merchant Houses of Crabs and Guinea Pigs drive Valencian commerce, and have grown very powerful in recent times.”

Notice how trade is a prominent aspect of Valencia - it seems as though it’s the center of commerce in the entire Spiral, which is why sky charts are drawn with it in the center. Knowing that Valencia would be in the center, it helps us understand and further complete some sky charts already present in the game.

Sky Charts? What Sky Charts?

All the way back in Aragon Skyway, there is a map on the floor of the Bruno Chapel, possibly designed by Marco Pollo himself. Regardless of who it was created by, it is definitely accurate, and it shows us the locations of existing worlds as well as letting us infer where others can be located on it.

Below is what the actual sky chart looks like. Make note that some of the circles are filled in with emblems of worlds while others are left blank.

From left to right, we see Monquista, Skull Island, Marleybone, an unknown world, Valencia, MooShu, Aquila, and another unknown world. The world to the far right seems unfamiliar… while it may look like a sheriff’s badge at first glance, making it represent Cool Ranch, that assumption would not make sense. The lines connecting each world to others illustrate Spiral Passages; for example, Skull Island connects to MooShu, Monquista connects to Aquila, and MooShu connects to Valencia (through a currently unused Stormgate in MooShu). If that world were to be Cool Ranch, it would have to connect to Skull Island - certainly not Marleybone, which is what we’re seeing here.

What else could it be? There aren’t too many other options, and it definitely has to be an important world. If this sky chart was created prior to or during the Polarian Wars, Polaris would certainly need to be mapped out, right? The symbol on the world does seem like it could represent Polaris. Therefore, as there’s really no other possible world that it could be, it’s safe to assume that Polaris will be accessed through a Stormgate in Marleybone.

The War Room

In Marleybone’s War Room, where the three officers of the Marleybonean Navy reside, is a map on the wall. At first, it didn’t look like much at all - just a cool design to add to the overall look of the War Room. However, when compared to the map we see in the Bruno Chapel of Valencia, there are striking similarities… in fact, it’s nearly the exact same map!

We can add in all the worlds shown on the Bruno Chapel Map by looking at where the strands go off to, and how many worlds per strand. We can also add in Polaris where we see it on the Valencia map. Krokotopia is actually relatively easy to place. As it will likely be in the first arc, it’s safe to say that it will be pictured here. There’s no room for it to be connected to Marleybone, so, as we predicted in the first part of this segment, it will either be connected to Valencia or Aquila.

The solution is, most likely, Valencia and Aquila! The only possible options are the world between Aquila and Valencia or the world just connected to Valencia. However, using the strategy discussed our first post of this segment, we can see that it is much more likely for Krokotopia’s Stormgate to be in Aquila. If Krokotopia were to be in Valencia, it would likely be visible in the MooShu Stormgate, where we could find a path from MooShu to Valencia to Krokotopia. However, it is not; instead, we find it in the Aquilan Stormgate, illustrating that Krokotopia may be accessed through Aquila (though a Stormgate may still be present in Valencia, according to the map above).

Valencia does have the most Stormgates in the Spiral, however, so what important world could be connected to it? Darkmoor is one possibility. It only appears in the Stormgate to Valencia as well as those in MooShu (which Valencia can be easily accessed from). There doesn’t seem to be any other possible place for it, either; the only other spot left through an accessible world is via Polaris, and we may not see that world until we visit Darkmoor. Dragonspyre is another possibility, but it isn’t pictured here, which would mean Darkmoor wouldn’t be on the map at all - this certainly doesn’t seem like the case, as that shadowy world seems to have much more than it’s letting up.

Celestia, Grizzleheim, Wizard City, and More

We may never see these worlds in the game (at least in the first arc), but they seem to be on the maps in the Bruno Chapel and the War Room. Their roles are much more pronounced in Wizard101, and Pirates have their own issues to worry about… even the Armada decided to leave Wizard City alone when it came to eliminating magic from the Spiral.

Celestia is certainly an interesting world to place. From a storyline perspective, it was discovered by the Marleyboneans, most likely by ship (and, therefore, through a Stormgate). Also, it is worth noting that the war with Valencia began after the Wizard left Marleybone, but before the beginning of the Morganthe arc. Assuming that the distress call was sent shortly after the Marleyboneans arrived in Celestia, it is safe to say that Celestia was discovered while the war was raging on.

What significance does this have? If Valencia was at war with Marleybone, the Spiral Geographic Society certainly wouldn’t have been able to access any of the Stormgates there - this is narrowing the Stormgate to Celestia’s location down tremendously as Valencia is practically the “hub zone” of the Spiral’s Stormgates. And, if Darkmoor truly is located in Celestia, Marleyboneans wouldn’t be able to reach that world so easily, either. 

Where could the Stormgate be? Polaris seems like a good possibility. Easily accessible through Marleybone, so the Spiral Geographic Society would simply have to sail through a fallen empire to reach this distant world. It’s also visible in the MooShu Stormgate, which would lead to Marleybone and, in turn, Polaris. Additionally, as Celestia isn’t pictured in the Bruno Chapel map, this could be because the Valencians were currently unaware of its location - Marleybone discovered it, after all.

Grizzleheim may or may not be in the first arc, based on hints we’ve received from Blind Mew over on the Official Message Boards. We don’t get many clues on its location; it is only seen through the Stormgate to Cool Ranch. Since Cool Ranch doesn’t have any unused Stormgates (or any other Stormgates at all, for that matter), Grizzleheim’s location remains a mystery. From a militaristic perspective, Grizzleheim is completely neutral… it would be a good idea for both Marleybone and Valencia to plot its location, though, in case that standpoint suddenly changes. The only real place left would be connected to Darkmoor, which is certainly possible. Relatively isolated from Marleybone, Valencia, and Polaris, so it would be safe and able to maintain its neutrality.

Wizard City, as we’ve seen in Olde Town, can be sailed to directly from Grizzleheim in a small looking ship. Grizzleheim wanted to establish trading relations with Wizard City, too, so it would make sense for them to be connected. Perhaps Wysteria can even be connected to Wizard City - the feuding schools of magic. The only two worlds left we’ve seen in the Spiral Passages are Zafaria and the “Lighthouse” world, which could possibly fill the last two remaining spots, but that would make them extremely unlikely to ever appear in the game due to the sheer amount of travel required. The “Lighthouse” world, especially, seems to have a lot of potential…

The completed map is shown below.

 Of course, these are just our thoughts on this. Do you have any ideas? Let us know!

In the last part of this segment, we’ll be analyzing one last clue… a clue that is extremely important, and may just be able to answer some questions that have arisen thus far.

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