Thursday 30 January 2014

Posted by Sheldon Cooper On Thursday 30 January 2014

Yesterday afternoon,  we received an email from One-Eyed Jack, our community manager, with some very exciting news: we've been accepted as an official Pirate101 fansite (!!) - the team here was absolutely thrilled to hear this, and we're very glad that we can now be a larger part of the community.

Of course, we certainly won’t be slowing down now! We’ll be rolling out some new segments over the next few weeks that we hope you’ll all enjoy (P101 and W101!). Also, be sure to keep an eye on our official Twitter page for some periodic contests the next couple of days. We’ll be hosting some contests and events on our blog, too, so be sure to check back often - you never know what’s in store! (even we don’t!)

We’re hoping for this to be a great year for Pirate101… Yum all around!

We also received some extra Commentary from Blind Mew:

"Blind Mew here - as I said over at Central, your work is pretty staggering and I absolutely love it! But there's one thing on the second article that you’ve missed, and it’s pretty important: the Spiral Map in Marleybone has no world in the center: this tells you right off the bat there’s no such thing as an absolute chart, at least not yet. Why is the map this way? Marleybonean pride prevents them from giving another world a better position than they have, but they are reasonable enough to admit that other worlds are really important: manners preclude them taking the center spot for themselves.

So, rather than Valencia at center, it and Marleybone share “most important” status with two other worlds, arranged in the cross pattern there in the middle. Nobody has seen the Spiral from outside, so as long as the connections line up, who’s to say their map is incorrect? Who are the other two worlds? That would be telling.

Another thing you should consider – when mapping out the Spiral (at least our version, with thread connections and what not), I was driven by story considerations more than symmetry. So presumptions of what connections are likely or unlikely based on numbers of hops are dangerous – I’d be much more likely to connect a world like Marleybone to other worlds that resonate with the British colonial presence. I’m also leaving room for lines that connect two worlds across the gaps between the arms if need be.

Oh, and the gate closest to Beachhead in MB does indeed go to Valencia – it’s the front line in the war, and the Armada’s primary invasion vector. That’s what makes Rooke’s assault from MooShu at the other end of the Skyway such a big deal – it’s a major flanking maneuver."

Interesting, eh?!

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1 comment:

  1. Chrissy The Blesser27 June 2014 at 22:35

    Congratulations. I am beyond thrilled for you. You guys totally deserve it. Well done and welcome "Officially" to the community.
    *Chrissy hugs for all*


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