Monday 18 August 2014

Posted by Sneaky Kevin On Monday 18 August 2014

Ahoy pirates! It's the third week of August, and that means contests!! The new Nefarious Tower has hit the Test Realm just days ago, and plenty of pirates are taking on the challenge to climb to the top and defeat Moo Manchu yet again (while receiving great drops along the way!). Each floor will pose as a challenge to even the most advanced pirates, and this type of content makes us wonder... what other kinds of dungeons might we see in the game?

We want to hear what YOU think! For this contest, we want you to come up with an idea for a new dungeon - it can be long or short, part of the mainline or a side quest, or whatever else you come up with. The only real rule when creating your gauntlet is that it should be difficult! It doesn't have to be insane, but, like the new Tower, we're looking for something that will be a fun challenge!


Design an original gauntlet! Be sure to include its location and give us a breakdown of the floors/rooms.
Tell us a little bit more about your idea. Why do we have to visit it? Who's the main boss - is it someone we've encountered before like Moo Manchu, or an entirely new villain? What are we trying to accomplish there?
There's no restrictions on how short/long your entry can be, but be sure to include enough information! We want to be able to fully understand your idea so you have the greatest chance of winning!
Your idea must be original. While you can reuse enemies that we have already met/fought in the game, make sure it's your own work!
Feel free to create new drops, like those in the new Tower!
Are there cheats?
A major factor when judging will be creativity, so you can include whatever else you'd like, so long as it's relevant to your idea - drawings, computer graphics, quest dialogue, etc.

Your entry does not need to be very lengthy at all - have fun with it! Once you're finished with it, send it to us at with the subject "Dungeon Design Contest". Please remember to include your pirate's name (or your community name) with your entry!


It is Arrrgust, after all, so that means prizes! The winning entry will be one that we at AoS really feel created an awesome dungeon that would be a great addition to the game - we'll award the grand prize winner with 10,000 Crowns. We'll also pick 5 more entries after that - these will also be ones that we really like, and these winners will all win 5,000 Crowns. The next 10 winners will be picked from the remaining entries, taking home 1,000 Crowns each. Please note that you must have a completely valid entry to be eligible for the random draw.

We'll pick the winners two weeks from the contest's start date - September 1st at 11:59 PM EST. That should give you plenty of time to come up with your unique idea!

We can't wait to see everyone's ideas... happy Arrrgust, everyone, and enjoy testing out the new Tower of Moo Manchu currently in the Test Realm! Maybe running it a couple times will give you some ideas for your own gauntlet!
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