Friday 1 August 2014

Posted by Unknown On Friday 1 August 2014

Fishing has captured the attention of all the wizards in the spiral and with it comes some very interesting findings and speculations.

When a fish loads for the first time, it has the file name in the top left hand corner of the screen.  Upon closer inspection, it seems various community members have noticed fish loading that we’ve never caught! Do these fish exist but we haven’t found them? Or do they not exist…maybe they have a different purpose? Here are my thoughts.

Holiday Fish?!

One of the more mysterious fish that has yet to be caught in the game is the Vampire Squid. The squid was first seen by Katherine_Light on her launcher when fishing first came out. Since then, many people have tried to find this same screen on the launcher but have had no luck.  Finally, Wizard101 announced via twitter that the squid pop up had been taken out: “It was removed because it doesn’t exist…yet ;) “ Yet? Yet! This fish is definitely coming, the question is...when?

When I hear Vampire, I think scary, I think Halloween! That’s not the only clue we have to possible holiday fish though…

A Frankenfish, another fish that we’ve never caught, was spotted loading in Unicorn Way as well! Frankenfish sounds an awful lot like Frankenstein, yet another clue that we could be getting holiday and seasonal fish!

The concept of holiday fish is interesting, obviously they would only be able to be caught during a specific time, but could they reap other possible rewards? Kingsisle has hinted that fishing will be expanded upon in the future, I’m wondering what exactly they have in mind!


The Gobblerfish was first seen loaded by Kelsey Fireheart and has since spurred many ideas. The most intriguing part of this fish is that different people seem to have a different association with the word “gobbler.”

Some people associate it with the munchy creatures over on Colossus Boulevard, oddly enough, there are no fishing locations there! If this idea were true, it’s possible that fishing might eventually open up there?

Another association people have with the word gobbler is the gobbler pets. Both the Gob-O-Lantern and the Red Gobbler pet are tiny little monster creatures that are maybe a bit creepy at first glance! With the trend of Halloween pets loading, it’s possible that maybe this Gobblerfish is a Halloween pet too? Gobblers are a little scary, aren’t they?

At first glance, my first association with Gobbler was actually Thanksgiving! Setting aside in game creatures, when I hear gobbler, I think of those cute turkeys that go “Gobble Gobble.” If this were true, we might be seeing some Thanksgiving holiday fish! Of course, it’s much more likely that the Gobblerfish refers to one of the two options above…but you never know?

Devil Ray

Swordroll was the first to notice a red ray doodle on the aquarium interface, and many people have had Devil Ray loading on their screen in Helgrind Warren! By the looks of the doodle, the devil ray has a striking similarity to the Sun Ray, a fish exclusive to Helgrind Warren. Given the fact that these two are similar in appearance, it makes sense that the Devil Ray is loading there.  Helgrind Warren does not yet have an epic fish and epic fish do tend to be snatched where their other class fish are located...

Everything seems to be in place for this fish… yet it has not been caught! Many have gone after this fish, but it seems everyone has sadly fell short. Is this fish in the game yet? Or could this possibly be a Halloween fish too? I would keep trying for it, Kingsisle is usually not one to add doodles of things that don’t exist yet!

Only time will tell, but there will definitely be more to fishing than what we’ve already explored.  I’m excited for what’s to come! Let’s bring on the holidays!

Disclaimer: There is no way to know for sure who actually spotted these fish first. I merely listed the people who I think did, and asked for their confirmation/approval beforehand.

Also, feel free to check out the blogs/sites run by the people listed above!
Kelsey Fireheart-Stars of the Spiral
Swordroll-Swordroll's Blog

Note: Some of these fish that were speculated when this post was made are now Holiday Fish that we can catch but the Devil Ray is still a mystery!  Check out our Fishing Database for information on each Holiday Fish!
Vampire Squid
Devil Ray
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1 comment:

  1. Caught a frankenfish today in unicorn way. only storm fish there :D


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