Sunday 28 September 2014

Posted by Sneaky Kevin On Sunday 28 September 2014
Ahoy there! We've decided the winners for our Talk Like A Pirate Day Contest and want to share some of the top entries with everyone!

The first place winner is Humble Brandon Quincy, taking home 10,000 Crowns, a Huge Pile of Treasure housing item, and The Pirate hairstyle - congratulations! Here's Brandon's idea for a mini-Pirate101 broadcast!

Avast, thar all ye pirates! Welcome to th' first Pirate101 livestream! this day we be goin' to speak 'bout our latest update to th' game, 'n also a secret surprise gunna happen at th' end! Stay tuned!

Well, our latest update included th' popular Moo Manchu tower, a Cool Ranch revamp, 'n doubloon tradin'! Th' Moo Manchu tower has had countless band 'o pirates farmin' their eyepatches off fer th' infamous items that it offers, such as th' wonderful wand. Oh, not to mention th' change in length we made from th' test realm to live. (*wink*) Its rare badges be also full 'o awe, such as th' title "Nerfarious Six", which gives ye th' ability to wear a monkey mask!!

Our revamp 'o Arrr Ranch includin' th' enlengthenin' 'o several dungeons, 'n plenty 'o bugs were squashed along th' way. Thar's also a new transporter by th' moniker 'o Pat Brennan who gunna take ye anywhere in th' spiral fer a small amount 'o crowns or gold. 

Lastly, we've had many requests fer people to be able to trade th' doubloons ye earn. Well now ye can! When ye click on a person's moniker, thar gunna be a button that says 'Trade', 'n wala! Ye can collect them all, or help some others out! Have a ruckas! 

Now, we have a giveaway fer ye guys! Th' first 1500 people to redeem th' code "p101broadcast" gunna get a random transformation from th' followin'; monkey, zebra, or elephant! That's all fer now, Leala 'n I have to head off! Heartly enjoy th' rest 'o ye day! Arrggggghhh!

 It looks like One-Eyed Jack has some competition there!!!

Here are our second place entries in no particular order, each winning 5,000 Crowns and The Pirate hairstyle:

Dead-Eye Steven Strong

Avast me hearties!  Dis be Pirate101 whar band 'o pirates
set sail on adventures in th' spiral. Sailin' from skyway to
skyway in th' most beautiful ships. this day, we gunna be
discussin' th' best ways to gain nautical experience. 

'O course, th' most experience pirates be travel'n in packs
 'n gang up on th' villainous enemies rather than sword fight
 one on one against these scurvy dogs.  'O course, dun be
gettin too close, ye might pick up more den one of dem good
fer nuffin cutthroats.

It be always easier to sink a ship rather than board her 'n sword
fight to th' Davy Jones' treasure chest. So, next the hour ye be
sailin' 'n ye spy wit' ye eye a bunch 'o ships goin' after a ship, don't
hesitate to join th' other band 'o pirates 'n sink th' ships, ye still get
all th' plunder 'n nautical experience if ye get just a single whallop
in on th' enemy ship.
Ambitious Christina

Ahoy! Seein' t' wide acclaim o' our maiden Wizard101 live broadcast, we be hostin' a Pirate101 one this time. We feel that we need t' brin' t' ya personally some important updates in th' respective games. ‘N what other way than t' sit down and talk, over a bottle o' delicious yum-yum fruit juice, aye, th’ greatest juice ya has ever drunk? Now let’s get started on our first fillin'.

Tired o' yer ship emblem? Good news great adventuaaarrrers, now ya can change it! We hear yer requests ‘n we be proud t' brin' this new feature t' th' skyways o' Pirate101. It’s called th' Ship Emblem Alteration Service. In th' aft o' th' Bazaar ya find this new character named Major Flagstaff. He can change yer emblem fer a crowns fee.

Changes will reflect th' flag o' yer ship ‘n yer companion colors. Ya get t' sample more than 20 new emblems before ya choose one. Also, when creatin' yer flag for th' first time, ya get a preview o' how yer colors look on yer first mate. Change yer emblem design for a whole new look ‘n feel. Imagine havin' yer companions thankin' ya fer their new coat o' paint!

Avast! There's plenty more t' Pirate101's latest patch. Th' next epic feature we’ll be talkin' about be t' formidable Tower o' Moo Manchu…

Clumsy Calamity

Ahoy there land lubbers and welcome to the first Pirate101 live stream.  We be so excited everyone showed up t' listen.

Today's converstings will be pets!

We be curious to know what you guys be thinking about them beasties in Bestia?  Starboard now thar are many amazin lookin pets here in the Spiral.  Me personal favorite is the FawnFaun, tis looks like it be mighty tastey.  The artists have hauled in a mighty treasure with these.  You be have'n the newly found hybrid the Bullrog (or Balrog from LOTR) which tis oh so witty and clever and who knows what other treasures are waiting to be uncovered.

Now I don't want to be just talkib' bout looks thar, but lets also discuss the Talens/Powers.  Now this tis a mighty firey topic right now thar with many people breeding their beasties to do different things.  Arrrr you mates trainin yar creatures to be a fighter a long side ya in battle?  Or arrrr you trainin them for some arena sparin?  Or arrrr just training a pet that will help boost your stats?

Now I must be setting sail. Send me a bottle with yar replies.

Fair Winds me pirating fellows.

Alex Andrews

 Ahoy all! Welcome to our live Pirate101 broadcast! this day we be goin' to discuss an aspect to th' game that can be really enjoyable: housin'! From th' Castaway Cove house to th' Haunted Grotto, thar be a home out thar fer every type 'o scurvy pirate!
      Now ye might be thinkin': oh how borin', I don't want to waste doubloons on a ship. How can that possibly be excitin'?? Well it definitely can be! thar be a whole seven seas 'o possibilities when it comes to decoratin' ye house. ye can make it look like anythin' ye want. Maybe a haunted forest, a store, or even a bakery. Get creative! 
((I'd be showin' example 'o some 'o me favourite houses in game)) 
     thar be many ways to obtain decorations fer ye houses. ye can buy them directly from th' crown shop, or even give a go' ye luck wit' one 'o th' card packs. Mr. Trelawny 'n Aruna be also a couple 'o housin' items vendors that be spread throughout th' spiral.
((I'd be showin' th' different items available fer purchase at these vendors)) 
     So maybe next the hour ye be keal hauled in battle 'n lookin' fer somethin' to do, gift housin' a give a go'! ye might just find ye're new favourite hobby. hearty thanks fer joinin' us!


Ahoy pirates! Welcome t' today's stream. We'll be coverin' t' recent news and updates today.

T' first major update was t' Tower o' Moo Manchu. T' get t' this multi-level dungeon, you must first complete Mooshu and t' Moo Manchu side quests. T' dungeon has rare booty too!

Cool Ranch has been changed t' be more enjoyable as well. Pat Brennan, t' stagecoach driver, has opened up shop by t' docks o' Cool Ranch to get pirates from Point A t' Point B in a more smartly manner!

You can also trade doubloons with each other, stack pet supplies, return t' bosses when you're defeated, team up with other pirates and much more!

Everyone else who entered won 2,000 Crowns! Yarr!!!

Congratulations to everyone!

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday 24 September 2014

To celebrate Wizard101's 6th Birthday, Kingsisle tasked their players to answer the question, "What has been your favorite year of Wizard101 and why?" We've seen some great answers on the Kingsisle Blog, so I was inspired and decided I would share mine with all of you. Unlike many community members, I haven't been around Wizard101 all that long. While many players say that the big updates were the ones they loved the most, I found that I appreciated the smaller ones more. For example, when Aquila and Khrysalis part 1 came out, I was still questing through Azteca! Although I felt behind in a way, it really made me latch on to and value the smaller things...which I elaborate on in my writing. Enjoy!

I found Wizard101 in January 2013, the dawn of the New Year. As most can probably tell, I haven’t been around as long as others.  I haven’t been able to see Wizard101 grow and evolve into the greatness that it possesses now. As much as that fact is disheartening, I do remember why I loved it so much, and what made me stay. Most of it was the brand new charm, but I also owe it to the distinguished year of 2013.

I, as many others, was a complete newbie when I first joined. I couldn’t perform the simplest tasks and never had a clear cut strategy.  I often ended up wandering the Spiral, just taking in the brand new atmosphere. It took me a couple of weeks, but the more I played, the more I observed and learned about the game. By April, I had explored the Wizard101 universe to the lost land of Azteca, and then my first surprise came.

Events!-Into the Mirrors!

April 2013 is when the first ever Lost Pages event was held! I was riddled with excitement, and I couldn’t wait to get started. I remember vividly that the library was quite crowded that day, and Harold Argleston was delighted to see me!  I loved the fact that the events spanned six worlds and I had a wonderful time revisiting old areas that were lost in my memory. Something about level 90 wizards fighting for a spot in a battle on Triton Avenue just made me smile. :)

Red Barn Farm!-Watch out for the…tornado?

April 2013 wasn’t only known for the Lost Pages, it also had brought a feature I can’t imagine playing without-the Red Barn Farm! As an avid derby racer, I was constantly on the hunt for Mega Snacks. I found that the most efficient way to keep a steady flow of snacks was through gardening.  My endeavors were successful, but I had always wished there was a quicker way. VOILA! It was announced a new house, the Red Barn Farm, would be a gardening oriented house that would act as a “like” to all plants! Not only did this speed up the harvesting time for my precious Mega Snacks, but I also liked how there were built-in designated plot areas which would help me align my plants. Not to mention the house itself was very neat in design, who wouldn’t want to stand in a tornado once in a while? ;)

Instruments!-Rock On!

June 2013 introduced us to the new addition of playable instruments! Enticed by the new creativity available, I made an effort to collect them all! I loved how Kingsisle was finding new ways to allow their players to express themselves and it definitely made sitting at my castle more fun!  After I experimented with many songs, I found I wasn’t very good at it, but I still had a blast! With anything, practice makes perfect, and I eventually was able to play “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”…hehe. Of course, when I wasn’t trying to make my own music, I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the preset loops.  Gone were the silent castles, in were the new and entertaining castles!

2013 was filled with great additions, some not even mentioned here! Khysalis, Aquila, tournaments…the list goes on and on! As great as those additions were, it was the attention to detail, and the attention to the players that made me fall in love with Wizard101. Today in 2014, the game continues to grow. Fishing, Old Cob, the new crown shop…I can’t wait to see where the game will head in the future!

As September winds down, make sure you enter the blog contest HERE with your favorite year!  You have a chance to win 60,000 crowns if your entry appears on the Kingsisle Blog! Good luck and enjoy the rest of September, and Wizard101's 6th Birthday!

Friday 19 September 2014

Posted by Sneaky Kevin On Friday 19 September 2014
Today marks every pirate’s favorite holiday… Talk Like A Pirate Day! In celebration, we’re hosting a contest for all of you pirates out there interested in winning some Crowns and other awesome loot! Read on to find out how you can be eligible for these prizes!

If you haven’t already seen it, KingsIsle hosted a live broadcast yesterday where they discussed and streamed Wizard101. Be sure to check it out – there’s lots of cool information in there, especially about the Arcane Builder’s Bundle and the recently added concept of castle building!

As this was only the first broadcast, it’s pretty likely for there to be more to come… and that means maybe Pirate101 streams, too! What we want to know for this contest is: If you were hosting a Pirate101 live broadcast, what would you discuss? We would like a short transcript (the written copy) of what you’d say – make sure it’s about Pirate101! Try to keep it relatively short (a few paragraphs at most) and, since it IS Talk Like A Pirate Day, we’re going to require that you write your transcript in Pirate speak! Bring out your inner pirate and talk about whatever in-game topic you’d like – have fun with it!

Of course, there's prizes! We'll choose one grand prize winner to take home a Huge Pile of Treasure housing item, The Pirate Hairstyle, and 10,000 Crowns! The next five winners we'll also choose - these second place winners will receive The Pirate Hairstyle and 5,000 Crowns. Finally, the rest of the valid entries will all be placed into a raffle for 2,000 Crowns - we have plenty of these codes, so make sure you have a completely correct entry and you'll be eligible to win!

Entries are due by September 26 by midnight eastern time, which is one week from now. We won’t accept late entries, so be sure that it’s sent in on time. Be sure to include your pirate’s name or an appropriate community name so that we can share your name and entry if you win!

When you’re all done writing your very own broadcast’s transcript, send it to us via email at with the subject “Talk Like a Pirate Contest”. If you have any questions, you can also email us or contact us through our Twitter account, @OfficialAotS. We can’t wait to see your entries!

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday 17 September 2014

As many of you may know, it was recently announced that Leala Ulrich (Leesha Darkheart from Ravenwood Radio) is Kingsisle’s newest Community Manager for both Wizard101 and Pirate101! With Kiersten Samwell transitioning into game designer, she has passed down the iconic role of Professor Greyrose to Leala! Leala now gets to interact with the community in a way she never has before, and has Tom Purdue (The Friendly Necromancer) as her trusty sidekick! In light of this new and exciting change, we thought it would be a great opportunity to conduct an interview with her!

Leala represents Bonnie Anne on Pirate101

How did you find Wizard101 and what about it made you so attracted to it?

I started playing Wizard101 in September 2009, after my husband introduced me to the game. He insisted to me that it wasn’t like other kid’s games and that I’d love it, but I was skeptical and held off for a while. Once I got a look at the first mounts that were being added to the game (namely the tiger mount), I had to try it out! The combat was so different than the other MMOs I’d played, the voice acting and story were so lively and the world so whimsical and fun! I was hooked and the rest, as they say, is history.

Leala showing off her habitrail on Pirate101
What are some of your favorite things to do in Wizard101?  Pirate101? 
I really enjoy questing and combat in both games, so most of my time is spent with those as the focus. Lately however I’ve been dabbling with housing and some of the side activities in Wizard101, like Fishing and Gardening. I recently moved into the Red Barn Farm house in Wizard101 so it seemed like a perfect time to plant a small garden again. And I just got my first house in Pirate101, so I’ve been spending some time decorating and making an elaborate habitrail with pieces from the new Grizzly Beast Pack.

Do you have an NPC in either Pirate101 or Wizard101 that is your favorite or one that you can strongly relate to?

As a huge Sherlock Holmes fan, I love Sherlock Bones and Meowiarty. That was one of my favorite storylines in Marleybone in Wizard101. In Pirate101, since I’ve taken on the moniker of Bonnie Anne on the forums, I have a great fondness for her as well.

Which world do you enjoy the most in Wizard101? Pirate101?

As you might guess, I love Marleybone in Wizard101. I’m still new in my Pirate’s journey, but I cannot wait to see Marleybone in Pirate101 as well!

How and when did you find out you were to be Kingsisle’s newest Community Manager? What was your reaction?

The interview process at KingsIsle took some time and a bit of waiting, so I was very nervous. But when I finally got THAT email, I almost went through the roof. The first thing I did was call my husband and say “Guess what? I work at Kingsisle now?” It felt weird to say, and still does sometimes. I’m so happy to be here!

What kind of responsibilities do you have as a Community Manager?

As Associate Community Manager, my primary responsibilities are looking after the forums for both Wizard101 and Pirate101, answering questions and passing along ideas and concerns from players. I also work on update notes, blogs, newsletters, answer community emails, help our fansite owners and host contests. I had a lot of fun going through all the entries for the Pirate101 Arrrgust Design Your Own Eyepatch contest as one of my first big projects.

Do you think being involved in Ravenwood Radio has helped you in your tasks of being a Community Manager? If so, how?

Having been part of Ravenwood Radio greatly helps in my role as Associate Community Manager. Since I was already a player of KingsIsle games, I understand the point of view of our players, because I am one! And since I’ve helped run a fan site, I can relate to our awesome fan site owners and recognize community leaders.

What’s your favorite part about being a Community Manager?

My favorite parts of community management are helping people and getting to share in the excitement of players. When new events or updates come to the games, getting to watch the reaction from the inside as players discover new things is a joy!

Do you have any advice for people who want to try to get a job in the gaming industry?

I think the important thing to remember about getting a job in the game industry is that just loving games isn’t enough. Lots of people love to play games. You’ve got to be persistent and willing to do the work to create something unique to stand out. If you are interested in community management, running your own website or forum community is great practice.  If you are interested in game design, now is the best time to get started creating something on your own. There are inexpensive (or free) programs out there like RPG Maker, Construct 2 or Twine (only to name a few) that allow you to make games with little to no programming knowledge.

Leala and Tom hosting a livestream
event on September 17th, 2014

Most importantly, what is it like working with Tom (The Friendly Necromancer)?

Tom is a great person to work with every day. He’s unfailingly patient, funny and has a wealth of knowledge about both games. I couldn’t ask for a better partner in crime (or community management)!

Thank you for the wonderful interview, Leala!

*Thank you Johnny, Leala, Stephen, and the Wizard101 and Pirate101 fansite kits for pictures*

Monday 15 September 2014

Posted by Sneaky Kevin On Monday 15 September 2014

This week is the first birthday of our Companion Database! A year ago, we launched a huge project with the intentions of compiling information for every companion in the game into an interactive and easy-to-use site... and that's exactly what we did!

Over time, we recruited new staff, added strategies to help you build your companions to their fullest potential, used new coding to let you take a closer look at epic and talent choices, and much more! We even included promotion quests for those who have them, giving you the breakdown of what you'll have to do to bring them to their next tier - while these pages currently aren't available, they will be returning soon!

If you haven't already, be sure to browse through our newly-added list of epic talents, companion-accessible powers, and talents. Use the buttons at the top of the page to find class-specific, universal, and even Crown Shop, promotional, and retired companions! Can you believe it has already been a year since we first launched?

To celebrate, we're hosting a Twitter raffle with companion-related prizes! If you need more training points for your companions or aren't having much success with the Tribal Crew Packs in the Crown Shop, this is your chance to win cool prizes for your Pirate! We have the contest details listed here, so be sure to retweet this tweet for a chance to win - multiple entrants will take home these awesome prizes! (Please have your parents' permission before signing up for Twitter if you do not already have an account!)

Thank you all for a great year, and we can't wait to continue updating and improving the Companion Database!!!

Thursday 11 September 2014

Posted by Unknown On Thursday 11 September 2014

Hello everyone! We are pleased to announce that we are starting a new post series, the AOS Egg Hunt! KingsIsle LOVES to put little references to real life things inside their pixelated universes! In each post of this series, we’ll highlight either one or a few easter eggs, explain what the reference is and how it’s incorporated into the game! What are we waiting for? Let’s get started!

Mysterious Well

The Mysterious Well is located in Outer Yard, Avalon. It is unlocked once you’ve completed the quest, “Throw Down the Gauntlet.”

*Extra Easter Egg!* Throw Down the Gauntlet

History: “Throw Down the Gauntlet” was a saying first used in the age of chivalry. The word gauntlet comes from the French word “gantelet” which was a reference to the big, heavy, and armored gloves worn by medieval knights.  When this saying was first used, it was used to physically challenge someone to a duel. As we know from our quests in Avalon, honor and pride were very important to the medieval knights. In fact, when a knight “threw down” their gauntlet at the feet of their opponent, it was a disgusting insult and could only be answered with combat. Often, the opponent knight would accept this insulted challenge by “taking up the gauntlet” and dueling them. Although originally meant to physically duel someone, in modern times , “Throw Down the Gaunlet” just means to confront or challenge someone.

In the Game: Considering this saying was first used by medieval knights, it fits in perfectly as a quest in the world of Avalon! More importantly, the saying actually means to challenge someone to a duel, and that’s what the quest helps to unlock…some very interesting duels in the Mysterious Well!

Mysterious Well

The Mysterious Well is indeed very mysterious.  Two bosses spawn here and the boss you get each time is completely random. One boss is Ridenhoer Delish, the other, Flevur Flave. Any of those two sound familiar? ;)

The References: Flevur Flave refers to a very popular musician, Flavor Flave! Flavor Flave is famous for yelling “Flavor Flave!” and “Yeaah Boy!” during his concerts and performances. Flavor is also known as a television star, actor, and comedian.

Before his fame, Flavor Flave attended Adelphi University where he met Carlton Ridenhour. Ridenhoer Delish is a reference to  Flavor Flave’s friend, Carlton Ridenhour. Carlton Ridenhour is better known by his stage name, Chuck D. Ridenhoer is well known as a rapper, producer, and author.

In the Game: It’s obvious that the developers purposely tried to make the in game names sound like their real life icons, and it is very humorous to see.

Whether challenging your opponent to a duel until death, or getting a taste of defeating some well known rappers, Wizard101 is full of easter eggs! Be on the lookout for more of our easter eggs very soon, we carry our basket everywhere! ;)

Thursday 4 September 2014

Posted by Sheldon Cooper On Thursday 4 September 2014

Congratulations to all the winners - you have been emailed your Crown Code! We received so many great entries that we decided to place the First and two Second Place winners in a post (All the entries were great, but we've picked out First Place and Top Second Place to share with you!), see them both below:

FIRST PLACE: Destiny Devereaux

We were blown away by Destiny's entry and after careful consideration between the other great entries, we decided that she deserved First Place!

Destiny was kind enough to compile her entry on a Blog! 

See it here:

SECOND PLACE : Merciless Hunter

It was a tough Choice between Grey Garris and Destiny, Garris provided us with a wonderfully thought out dungeon and a nice looking loot roll!

Pirate’s Name: Merciless Hunter Grant

This dungeon is part of a quest line, specifically to gain access to the mysterious realm of Darkmoor. There are a few initial quests I have created that goes along with it that transitions into the actual dungeon. I made this dungeon a “prerequisite” to get into Darkmoor because: I enjoy quest based dungeons instead of infinite repeatables and I think Darkmoor would be an AWESOME world! So here goes, hope you guys like it!

!NOTE!: The Battle scenes are in blue whereas everything else is in black.

Quest: “Step Out of Sunlight…”
Quest Giver: Captain Avery
Quest Goal: Speak to Captain Avery

Avery: Catbeard doesn’t have the map piece?! You dreadful cat! I ought to… Oh, my apologies Captain, I had no idea this gentleman had joined your crew. I’ll deal with you later Catbeard. But for now, the Map! You discovered what the Mechanical Birds were saying?! Wonderful! What is it? GET BACK INTO VALENCIA?! ARE YOU MAD?! Captain, I know every route to every world in the Spiral like the back of my palm, Kane has shut down every… wait, no, I have an idea! There is one Stormgate that Kane can’t block, the darkest of all the Spiral Worlds. Darkmoor. Captain, know that I would never send someone knowingly to their death, but in this case, I don’t think we have a choice but to try. Speak to Madame Vadima, ask her for the Black Windstone she carried from that haunted realm. You will have to travel through Avernus first, but believe me, Avernus is nothing compared to the horrors that await you in Darkmoor. Be  careful Captain, be very, very careful.

Quest Goal: Speak to Madame Vadima
    Vadima: I sense you have a dark task ahead of you young Pirate, how might Vadima assist you? Darkmoor? Yes, I have the Windstone Pirate, I had hoped not to need it again. You may have the Stone, but before you go, allow Vadima to help you first. Talisman of the Guede, lost in Cave of Night in Ruined Lighthouse, is very strong magic, Talisman will protect you from spirits you face in Realm of the Barons. Bring me Talisman and you may have Stone, not sooner, I will not send you to die, I hear enough angry spirits already. Tread softly Pirate, the Talisman is not what it seems, it will protect itself, be certain of that.

Quest Goal: Explore Shadow Forest (The Cave of Night is the actual Dungeon to be entered, it is repeatable once completed though. The Cave of Night is located in the barren side area in Shady Hollow, to the right just before entering Hoodoo House. The entrance would be a new one, as a hole in the wall on the left side of the dead tree, smoke would flow out of it across the ground to indicate it).

Quest Goal: Get Talisman of the Guede

Room 1:    
The first room you enter is identical to the Moomori Clanhold Cave, including the darkness, but animated shadows of skeletons move along the ground, skull torches with green and purple fire are hung at irregular intervals and the sound is soft whispers. There is a pile of Skeletal Dragon bones in the water pool.
Voiceover: You feel cold, but not from the damp. Power, cold, dark power fills the whole cave. This is the right place. *Crack!* What was that? Oh no, of course something had to wake up. (The bones in the water reassemble themselves into a Skeletal Dragon with red-black smoke swirling across the bones)
Black Heart: I smell flesh, living flesh. I have not had such a delicacy in centuries. Time to eat. Where are you creature? I know you are here, I can hear your heart hammering, I can smell your very fear. Ah, there you are. Stand still and this will be over relatively quickly. (The Fight begins)

Battle: Black Heart is a single enemy boss, Buccaneer class with 4200 health. He possesses: Rank 3 Relentless, Rank 3 Turn the Tide, Rank 3 Cheap Shot, A Version of Steely Resolve called Heartless Revenge, and Rank 3 Vengeance Strike. Appear alone and you have your Firstmate with you, with 2 or more players and Black Heart interrupt summons a shadow copy of himself (with ¼ health per friend) at the beginning of the first round. His basic attack is a spinning swing of his tail, Epic Hit is a hump and wing slap, Mega Hit is a double claw strike and a jaw bite, Super Hit is an air jump and fly down with Skeletal Dragon blast (from Wizard101). After you beat him he sits back on his nonexistent haunches and speaks.

Black Heart: Beaten, by a flesh bearer. I have no words. What has brought you here living one, surely not to fight me? The Talisman?! Turn back now foolish one or perish by claws worse than mine! You truly wish to have the Talisman? Very well, perhaps the Old One will let me have the scraps left of you. Take this claw of mine, and draw this symbol on the doors you come across, you will pass. I will be sure to keep you in memory when you die, and you will die.
Voiceover: The dragon snaps off one of his claws and draws a simple symbol into the dust. Now to find the Talisman.

Room 2:
You exited the first room and now enter a room of the same design but without the stalagmites and lake in the center. Instead the middle of the cave is dominated by a hexagonal platform with a sarcophagus in the middle and purple fire burning around the edges of the platform. A block of stone in front of you is carved with letters indecipherable to you but Bonnie Anne can read them.
    Bonnie: Its an old language from Albion Captain, I can read it. “Interred here is the oldest of the oldest of all. Mighty Ghede, Lord of Haunted Places, Master of Night, First of the Dead. Awaken him by three times calling, Die by awakening him.” That doesn’t sound very promising Captain, but we survived the dragon didn’t we? Let’s press on.
    Voiceover: There’s a pungent smell in the air, its coming from over there. Phew! That’s awful!
    Old Scratch: I recognize da smell Captain my Captain, it be incense. It must be how we call Ghede here. Burn the incense and he come.
    NOW HERE IS WHERE IT GETS SPECIAL: There are three bowls of incense on top of statues, one bowl per side room. But they have to be lit in order: First the statue of a wraith (Haunted Places) has purple fire, then statue of the moon (the Night), and then a statue of a mound of skulls with the incense plate on top (First of the Dead). If lit in the correct order skip the battle described below and head straight to the conversation with Ghede. If not see below.

    Voiceover: The smell only got worse. *Crash!* Oh not again.

    Mighty Ghede: I am Ghede, First of the Dead, Ferrier of Souls, Speaker for the Dead, and you have disturbed my rest. Now you will learn to respect your elders. (Ghede is a ghostly man of old age [think the librarian of Dragonspyre] dressed in the attire of Dr. Facilier from Princess and the Frog, his ghost is purple though and his eyes glow black, he carries a silver cane in his left hand.
    Battle: Ghede is also a single enemy boss, Witchdoctor with 3980 health. He possesses: Rank 3 First Strike, Rank 3 Witch Hunter, Rank 3 Riposte, Rank 3 Repel Boarders, and Escape Artist as talents. He can also use: Mojo Reaver, Mojo Storm, Ghostwail, and Mournsong. He does the same as Black Heart when you come with friends BUT his “shadow selves” have ½ health instead of ¼. He uses his staff to attack (when he isn’t casting spells which uses the Witchdoctor animation) and as such he gets the talents usually attributed to Swashes and Privateers. He doesn’t have a high crit rate with his “hack and slash” attacks but his crits are the same as normal pirates using smashy weapons.

    Mighty Ghede: You are clever. I have not had the opportunity to be bested in millenia. As reward I will answer for you one question, and I will, to the best of my ability, answer honestly.
    Bonnie: Captain ask him about your parents! If anybody knows about them he does!
    Voiceover: You could ask him about your parents, but much more is at stake right now. Ask him where to find the Talisman.
    Ghede: An interesting question, and with an answer I don’t think you’ll find favorable. My family’s Talisman was hidden away long ago, but a vile demon stole it from us. I have attempted to get it back for millenia. The demon known as the Old One holds it, deep within the earth. You have a long way to go Pirate. If you do manage to find the Talisman, keep it, I think it will be safest in your hands.

Rooms 3, 4, and 5:
These rooms are all identical. They have the same design as the open atrium room where the Fintooth Warlocks reside in the Waterworks in Wizard101 (not water filled of course). The rooms’ domes are made of black stone and the walls are purple with deep red columns. Skull torches with red fire are hung on the walls. Each of the rooms has a “mini boss” controlling it. Each boss summons a different type of minion as will be described below. Each boss summons two of their own special minions regardless, then another one for each friend/companion that enters the battle/

    Room 3 Battle: The boss is an Undead Cutthroat Shark named Carson Fira. He has the body design of a cutthroat but his left arm is skeletal, he has pieces missing out of his body where you can see the bones (think of a shark version of Wormguts from Wizard101). He carries a long, curved bone sword.
    Speech: Twisted teeth and broken fins. That’s all I got for resisting the Old One. What makes you better than me?
    Carson is a Swashbuckler boss with 3870 health. He possesses: Rank 3 Riposte, Blade Storm, Relentless, Flanking, and Second Chance. He can also use Assassin’s Mist as well as a special ability: Toothy Smile (3 square, ranged, triangular attack in front of him executed by slamming sword into the ground like Talos and then leaning forward and “roaring” to blast out teeth). He summons two Undead Cutthroats that are Swashbucklers with 3180 health, Rank 3 Riposte, Relentless, Bladestorm, and First Strike.
    After Speech: Free, finally free.

    Room 4 Battle: The boss is a Raven named Sirrew (her name and speech are a play on Wiress from Hunger Games: Catching Fire). She looks like the Raven mages but with a white cloak and a tall, metal staff with an hourglass at its top.
Speech: Tick tock, tick tock. How to pass the time down here. Tick tock, tick tock, the whole world is a clock.
Sirrew is a Witchdoctor  with 3750 health. She possesses: Rank 3 Witch Hunter, Counterspell, Coward’s Bane, Intuition, Relentless, Multiple Copies of the Shadow Step Spell, Mournsong, Ghostwail and Soulreaver. She summons two Aztecosaur Mummies (the parasaur ones that act like Musketeers) with 3000 health, Rank 3 Overwatch, True Grit, Turn the Tide, Quick Draw, and Quick Adjust. Sirrew can also use an ability called Overload (3*3 square attack that hits with Epic level damage and traps the damaged party for a round (does not affect hidden players and Shadow Step can bypass the movement lock).
After Speech:Ah, Nuts.

Room 5 Battle: The boss is a Skeleton called Pair o’ Bones. (His name is intended to match the word “parable” as his way of speaking is that way. He is a very large skeleton, as big as a Drowned Zombie but entirely skelton. He has two sets of arms, the top two carrying swords and the bottom two carrying guns.
Speech: Once there was a man proud of his stature and appearance. He loved his mirror as only he could, for within it was his own reflection glorified. But one day the mirror was shattered, and the man woke up in a cold, dark cave, only to find he was nothing but bones!
Pair o’ Bones is a Musketeer with 4020 health. He possesses: Rank 3 Witch Hunter, Overwatch, True Grit, Quick Draw, Quick Adjust, Parting Shot and a special ability called Quad Threat: Spins around in a rapid circle throwing knives outwards to hit anyone within 2 squares of him. He summons two Drowned Zombies with 3380 health, Rank 3 Turn the Tide, Vengeance Strike, Cheap Shot, and Flanking.
After Speech: I guess I shoulda learned my lesson.

Room 6:
     After exiting the last mini-boss room you come to a room where there is nothing but a pit in the ground, with the tiny golden Talisman hanging over the center glowing with purple light.
    Gracie: Captain look, we can use the ropes over there to make a lasso and grab it!
    Voiceover: You and Gracie work quickly, pulling the rope into the desired shape and calculating how hard and where to throw it.
    Gracie: Here if we throw it from her we can… *rumble rumble*... Oh no, we’re so close!
    (A huge, red, clawed hand like the ones that appear when the Flying Monquistadors die appears from the pit, reaching for the Talisman. The Old One speaks with a hissing, slow voice)
The Old One: Fooooolisshhhnesssss, you cannot hope to escape my place of rest unscatthhedd. My power will strip you of your very identity, and wipe you from existence. Give up mortals, and join me willingly, or die and join me eternally.
(Ghede appears as a much larger version of himself by the pit and the hand freezes.)
Old One: Hahahaha, fool. Your time is running out Ghede, I can even now overturn death itself. I can overturn you.
Ghede: Not yet demon. Begone! (He swings his staff at the hand and the Old one hisses before the hand quickly retracts into the Pit once more.) There, the Old One is gone, for now. (Ghede reaches for the Talisman and shrinks down again.) This Talisman is extraordinarily powerful, its magic is strong enough to match even my own. You have passed trials enough to earn the Talisman, but you are not done yet. For the Talisman to accept you as its bearer, you must face its power yourself. Stand at the edge of the Pit and you will learn what I mean. (He tosses the Talisman over the Pit and you it transforms into an image of Kane.) The Talisman will present you with your greatest fear to fight, come out victorious, and you will be able to become its bearer.

Battle: The Battle is done on a board composed of animated smoke over the Pit. The sole enemy is the Kane doppelganger and you have your three companions. It is both a Musketeer and Swashbuckler class but is listed as a Swash. Depending on how many friends are in the battle the doppelganger will have 4500, 6000, 7500, or 10000 health. Its not that hard of a fight though. Th Doppelganger looks like Kane but acts more like a basic Clockwork. It does however have Rank 3 Relentless, Blade Storm, Riposte, Quick Adjust, Quick Draw, Cheap Shot, and Overwatch.

Ghede: You have done it. You have earned the Talisman.You have done what I never dreamed a mortal could do. Take it, with my blessing. And, if you happen to go by my home of glorious Darkmoor sometime, make sure to show it to the guardians, they will let you pass.

Quest Goal: Speak to Madame Vadima
Vadima: You have found it!

Quest Completed!!!!!!!!!!

Vadima starts next quest with: I must admit I was very worried about your fate, you were hidden from my sight. Whatever happened in that dark place, I do not wish to know, you have earned your Windstone, take it and sail to far off Darkmoor. Be careful who you speak to first.
Drops List
    Hats, Outfits, and Boots each have a drop rate of 5% and are found on the main bosses. The Weapons have a drop rate of 2% and can be found on all bosses. Rings, Totems, and Charms have a drop rate of 4% and are found on the mini bosses. Accessories have a drop rate of 10% and are found on Doppelganger Kane only.
  • Hats
    • Buc Only - Horned Circlet - +12 Strength, +15 Armor, +65 Health
    • Witch Only - Ghede’s Top Hat - +10 Resistance, +10 Will, +60 Health
    • Musket Only - Ghede’s Crown - +10 Will, +13 Accuracy, +50 Health
    • Swash Only - Brim of Night - +13 Armor, +12 Weapon Power, +45 Health
    • Priv Only - First One’s Cap - +18 Armor, +85 Health
  • Outfits
    • Buc Only - Blackened Mail - +11 Strength, +5 Weapon Damage, +55 Armor, +75 Health
    • Witch Only - Ghede’s Longcoat - +10 Will, +50 Resistance, +70 Health
    • Musket Only- Old One’s Hide - +10 Agility, +9 Will, +45 Resistance, +65 Health
    • Swash Only - Shadow Cloak - +18 Armor, +20 Weapon Power, +60 Health
    • Priv Only - Scaled Raiment - +12 Will, +45 Armor, +110 Health
  • Boots
    • Buc Only - Skull Stompers - +8 Armor, +6 Dodge, +70 Health
    • Witch Only - Ghede’s Wraps - +10 Will, +14 Dodge, +60 Health
    • Musket Only - Quick-Step Sliders - +12 Agility, +15 Accuracy, +60 Health
    • Swash Only - Smoke-Light Drifters - +15 Agility, +15 Dodge, +60 Health
    • Priv Only - Spirit’s Greaves - +10 Will, +25 Armor, +90 Health
  • Weapons
    • Ghede’s Scepter - Staffy/Smashy - 246 Damage - Requires Staffy Weapons 2
    • Black Bone Shard - Slashy/Smashy - 289 Damage - Requires Big Choppy Weapons Rank 1
    • Dragon’s Horn - Stabby/Slashy - 234 Damage +8 Armor +22% Armor Penetration
    • Pair o’ Shooters - Shooty - 228 Damage - 4 Range
  • Rings
    • Eternal Circlet - +12 Agility, +13 Will, +55 Health
    • Glow Stone - +10 Will, +13 Resistance, +55 Health
    • Obsidian Band - +11 Strength, +4 Armor Penetration, +50 Health
    • Black Blood Signet - +12 Armor, +10 Weapon Power, +60 Health
  • Totems
    • Vodun Medallion - +9 Will, +12 Resistance, +15 Armor
    • Obsidian Fang - +10 Armor, +13 Strength, +18 Weapon Damage
    • Old One Idol - +10 Will, +9 Agility, +12 Armor
  • Charms
    • Black Claw Necklace - +10 Accuracy, +12 Dodge, +60 Health
    • Ghost Hair Pendant - +11 Resistance, +8 Armor, +65 Health
    • Ghede’s Silk Strand - +10 Will, +12 Accuracy, +65 Health
  • Accessories
    • Psychopomp’s Patch - +12 Resistance, Gives Mournsong and Stygian Chorus
    • Bone Rimmed Monocle - +13 Accuracy, Gives Hail of Cannonballs and Bounding Overwatch
    • Patch of Starless Sky- +10 Strength, Gives Vicious Charge and Leviathan’s Call
    • Guede’s Ghostly Eyepatch - +12 Armor, Gives Revive and The Big Guns
    • Patch of Blackness- +9% Armor Penetration, Gives  Assassin’s Strike and Black Fog"
 Thank you to all the wonderful entries!

Happy Sailing!