Thursday 11 September 2014

Posted by Unknown On Thursday 11 September 2014

Hello everyone! We are pleased to announce that we are starting a new post series, the AOS Egg Hunt! KingsIsle LOVES to put little references to real life things inside their pixelated universes! In each post of this series, we’ll highlight either one or a few easter eggs, explain what the reference is and how it’s incorporated into the game! What are we waiting for? Let’s get started!

Mysterious Well

The Mysterious Well is located in Outer Yard, Avalon. It is unlocked once you’ve completed the quest, “Throw Down the Gauntlet.”

*Extra Easter Egg!* Throw Down the Gauntlet

History: “Throw Down the Gauntlet” was a saying first used in the age of chivalry. The word gauntlet comes from the French word “gantelet” which was a reference to the big, heavy, and armored gloves worn by medieval knights.  When this saying was first used, it was used to physically challenge someone to a duel. As we know from our quests in Avalon, honor and pride were very important to the medieval knights. In fact, when a knight “threw down” their gauntlet at the feet of their opponent, it was a disgusting insult and could only be answered with combat. Often, the opponent knight would accept this insulted challenge by “taking up the gauntlet” and dueling them. Although originally meant to physically duel someone, in modern times , “Throw Down the Gaunlet” just means to confront or challenge someone.

In the Game: Considering this saying was first used by medieval knights, it fits in perfectly as a quest in the world of Avalon! More importantly, the saying actually means to challenge someone to a duel, and that’s what the quest helps to unlock…some very interesting duels in the Mysterious Well!

Mysterious Well

The Mysterious Well is indeed very mysterious.  Two bosses spawn here and the boss you get each time is completely random. One boss is Ridenhoer Delish, the other, Flevur Flave. Any of those two sound familiar? ;)

The References: Flevur Flave refers to a very popular musician, Flavor Flave! Flavor Flave is famous for yelling “Flavor Flave!” and “Yeaah Boy!” during his concerts and performances. Flavor is also known as a television star, actor, and comedian.

Before his fame, Flavor Flave attended Adelphi University where he met Carlton Ridenhour. Ridenhoer Delish is a reference to  Flavor Flave’s friend, Carlton Ridenhour. Carlton Ridenhour is better known by his stage name, Chuck D. Ridenhoer is well known as a rapper, producer, and author.

In the Game: It’s obvious that the developers purposely tried to make the in game names sound like their real life icons, and it is very humorous to see.

Whether challenging your opponent to a duel until death, or getting a taste of defeating some well known rappers, Wizard101 is full of easter eggs! Be on the lookout for more of our easter eggs very soon, we carry our basket everywhere! ;)

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