Friday 19 September 2014

Posted by Sneaky Kevin On Friday 19 September 2014
Today marks every pirate’s favorite holiday… Talk Like A Pirate Day! In celebration, we’re hosting a contest for all of you pirates out there interested in winning some Crowns and other awesome loot! Read on to find out how you can be eligible for these prizes!

If you haven’t already seen it, KingsIsle hosted a live broadcast yesterday where they discussed and streamed Wizard101. Be sure to check it out – there’s lots of cool information in there, especially about the Arcane Builder’s Bundle and the recently added concept of castle building!

As this was only the first broadcast, it’s pretty likely for there to be more to come… and that means maybe Pirate101 streams, too! What we want to know for this contest is: If you were hosting a Pirate101 live broadcast, what would you discuss? We would like a short transcript (the written copy) of what you’d say – make sure it’s about Pirate101! Try to keep it relatively short (a few paragraphs at most) and, since it IS Talk Like A Pirate Day, we’re going to require that you write your transcript in Pirate speak! Bring out your inner pirate and talk about whatever in-game topic you’d like – have fun with it!

Of course, there's prizes! We'll choose one grand prize winner to take home a Huge Pile of Treasure housing item, The Pirate Hairstyle, and 10,000 Crowns! The next five winners we'll also choose - these second place winners will receive The Pirate Hairstyle and 5,000 Crowns. Finally, the rest of the valid entries will all be placed into a raffle for 2,000 Crowns - we have plenty of these codes, so make sure you have a completely correct entry and you'll be eligible to win!

Entries are due by September 26 by midnight eastern time, which is one week from now. We won’t accept late entries, so be sure that it’s sent in on time. Be sure to include your pirate’s name or an appropriate community name so that we can share your name and entry if you win!

When you’re all done writing your very own broadcast’s transcript, send it to us via email at with the subject “Talk Like a Pirate Contest”. If you have any questions, you can also email us or contact us through our Twitter account, @OfficialAotS. We can’t wait to see your entries!
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