Wednesday 24 September 2014

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday 24 September 2014

To celebrate Wizard101's 6th Birthday, Kingsisle tasked their players to answer the question, "What has been your favorite year of Wizard101 and why?" We've seen some great answers on the Kingsisle Blog, so I was inspired and decided I would share mine with all of you. Unlike many community members, I haven't been around Wizard101 all that long. While many players say that the big updates were the ones they loved the most, I found that I appreciated the smaller ones more. For example, when Aquila and Khrysalis part 1 came out, I was still questing through Azteca! Although I felt behind in a way, it really made me latch on to and value the smaller things...which I elaborate on in my writing. Enjoy!

I found Wizard101 in January 2013, the dawn of the New Year. As most can probably tell, I haven’t been around as long as others.  I haven’t been able to see Wizard101 grow and evolve into the greatness that it possesses now. As much as that fact is disheartening, I do remember why I loved it so much, and what made me stay. Most of it was the brand new charm, but I also owe it to the distinguished year of 2013.

I, as many others, was a complete newbie when I first joined. I couldn’t perform the simplest tasks and never had a clear cut strategy.  I often ended up wandering the Spiral, just taking in the brand new atmosphere. It took me a couple of weeks, but the more I played, the more I observed and learned about the game. By April, I had explored the Wizard101 universe to the lost land of Azteca, and then my first surprise came.

Events!-Into the Mirrors!

April 2013 is when the first ever Lost Pages event was held! I was riddled with excitement, and I couldn’t wait to get started. I remember vividly that the library was quite crowded that day, and Harold Argleston was delighted to see me!  I loved the fact that the events spanned six worlds and I had a wonderful time revisiting old areas that were lost in my memory. Something about level 90 wizards fighting for a spot in a battle on Triton Avenue just made me smile. :)

Red Barn Farm!-Watch out for the…tornado?

April 2013 wasn’t only known for the Lost Pages, it also had brought a feature I can’t imagine playing without-the Red Barn Farm! As an avid derby racer, I was constantly on the hunt for Mega Snacks. I found that the most efficient way to keep a steady flow of snacks was through gardening.  My endeavors were successful, but I had always wished there was a quicker way. VOILA! It was announced a new house, the Red Barn Farm, would be a gardening oriented house that would act as a “like” to all plants! Not only did this speed up the harvesting time for my precious Mega Snacks, but I also liked how there were built-in designated plot areas which would help me align my plants. Not to mention the house itself was very neat in design, who wouldn’t want to stand in a tornado once in a while? ;)

Instruments!-Rock On!

June 2013 introduced us to the new addition of playable instruments! Enticed by the new creativity available, I made an effort to collect them all! I loved how Kingsisle was finding new ways to allow their players to express themselves and it definitely made sitting at my castle more fun!  After I experimented with many songs, I found I wasn’t very good at it, but I still had a blast! With anything, practice makes perfect, and I eventually was able to play “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”…hehe. Of course, when I wasn’t trying to make my own music, I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the preset loops.  Gone were the silent castles, in were the new and entertaining castles!

2013 was filled with great additions, some not even mentioned here! Khysalis, Aquila, tournaments…the list goes on and on! As great as those additions were, it was the attention to detail, and the attention to the players that made me fall in love with Wizard101. Today in 2014, the game continues to grow. Fishing, Old Cob, the new crown shop…I can’t wait to see where the game will head in the future!

As September winds down, make sure you enter the blog contest HERE with your favorite year!  You have a chance to win 60,000 crowns if your entry appears on the Kingsisle Blog! Good luck and enjoy the rest of September, and Wizard101's 6th Birthday!

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1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written and I can relate to every word. Well except for the Derby part, I am beyond terrible at that, lol. Other than that, really like reading my own diary. Wonderful job. :D


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