Tuesday 2 June 2015

Posted by Sneaky Kevin On Tuesday 2 June 2015

Summer is almost here... which means that it's contest time! We have plenty of Crown codes for prizes, and what better way is there to give them out then have a shopping spree?

How To Enter
If you were to win Crowns, what item from the Crown Shop would you buy? Here's your chance to not worry about that price tag and pick out your favorite item - if you win, you may just have the Crowns to buy it!

In your entry, include one item from the Crown Shop that really stands out to you, and include a few sentences explaining why you like it. We'll draw the entries at random out of all valid submissions, and the five entries that we like the best will receive some extra Crowns!

1. Only one entry per person.
2. You must include both an item and a short explanation in your entry. It doesn't have to be long - just a few sentences on why this item catches your eye!
3. Email your entry to admin@adventuresofthespiral.com with the title "Shopping Spree Contest" and include your wizard or community name. No real names!
4. Your entry must be submitted by June 14th.

We'll be randomly drawing entries and awarding them with 1,000 Crowns. We'll also pick our favorite five entries, and these winners will take home 10,000 Crowns! And, best of all, you'll be able to have a Crown Shop shopping spree with your prize! If you have any questions, please send them to us via email at admin@adventuersofthespiral.com, or you can tweet to us at @OfficialAotS. Please also feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below.

Good luck!


10,000 Crowns (And What They're Buying)

Devin StarFlame - Swiftshadow Wings
Matthew ShadowBlade - Celestian Trident
Mason Rose - Archangel's Attire
Monica Legend - Baddle of the Bands Gauntlet
Luke Spiritfriend - Himoolayan Yak

1,000 crowns

Smart Logan West
Erin Rosepetal
Jeremy Skullstaff
Christina Rainbow
Samantha Goldgem
Alex Hawkrider
Blaze Shadowcaster
Alexander Dragonblade
Donna Dragondreamer

Check your emails!  Congratulations!
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  1. One item that I have been wanting for a while now from the Crown Shop is the Jack Hallow's Wailer wand from the Harrowing Nightmare Pack. I've been trying to get it, but I've had no luck with the pack at all. I really want the wand, because 223 critical rating for storm is quite a lot, and it would really help me when I'm farming for items. Another reason I want it, is because literally all my other storm friends have it, and I feel jealous that they have higher damage than me when they're farming with me, and that they managed to actually have some luck with the pack. Lastly, it catches my eye because I always wanted to play a guitar when I'm in a battle.

  2. How will we be notified if we were to win?

    1. You can come back to this post around the time the contest ends. You will receive an email if you won the contest as well.

  3. I want to get the pegasus mount so much, hope i win :D.

  4. Well actually, my desirable item is not in the crown shop. If I had crowns I would use it to open up the rest of Wizard City. At this point I could careless about the items in the crown shop, because it sucks to have quests that offer alot of XPs and not even be able to access go to the destination.I don't know if I still qualify, because it is not an item you can buy at the crown shop, well I still cross my fingers and hope I win.��

  5. Hi!

    I have some questions for you, I sent my entry for the contest "Shopping Spree Contest" long time ago, I think it was the first day the contest appeared on the website. But I read that some users made there entries in this same page, in comments, and I don't know if I have done it right or wrong, could you please tell me? I'll be so thankful!

    1. The entries that will count are the ones sent via email.

  6. i have sent an email and i hop i win
    gooooooooooooooooooood lucky the contest is over

  7. Does the entry still count, if I had accidentally forgotten the word 'Contest' at the end of the title (Shopping Spree Contest)? I'm sorry for the silly mistake.


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