Monday 3 June 2013

Posted by Sheldon Cooper On Monday 3 June 2013

Each month we will release an ‘Article of the Month’ each article will be different and will be promoting a good cause, these people have done great with these sites and have brought many people to become fans of Wizard101 and Pirate101. This month’s Article is about:

Stars of the Spiral first appeared on the Interweb on May 31st 2010, since then it has achieved many things: Over 500,000 Total Views on their site and over 100,000 views on their blog. The site was founded by Kelsey Fireheart, Kelsey is very active in the community and is always on top things, but, she doesn't do it all by herself, helping her out  she has: Jack Silversong, Anthony Deathbane, Jordan Seadreamer and Nathan Ashthistle.  They all do an amazing job over there!

The site was granted the Title of "Official Pirate101 Fansite" in June 2012 and later on:  "Official Wizard101 Fansite" in September 2012". SotS is full of information and guides on Wizard101 and Pirate101 including complete list of Pets, Housing and Bundles! Go check the site out today over at 

Stay tuned for next Week's Article!!

-AoS Team
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-AoS Team