Saturday 15 June 2013

Posted by Sheldon Cooper On Saturday 15 June 2013
After the recent update to Pirate101, I've had time to finish the main storyline and gather my thoughts on Aquila. 

Nova Aquila, the main city of Aquila

Graphics-    I absolutely love the Graphics in Aquila, it's as if KI have transportalated (hehe) us into a Percy Jackson book or back into time to the time of Ancient Greece. 
Look at Ithaca, you can see from the temple to my ship without even a blur in sight; beautiful! 

"Ducunt Voluntem Fata, Nolentum Trahunt" -
The Fates Lead the Willing and Drag the Unwilling. Latin
I think that looks quite epic, don't ya think?

Ship Fights- I don't know about anybody, else but I am loving the constant ship fights in Aquila against the Ophidians, Vultures and the two new Bosses!  Ship fights are my favourite part about Pirate101, I don't know what it is but whenever I batten down the hatches and my crew take position, I get an adrenaline kick! Ship fights have taken an even bigger step by allowing us to attack multiple enemies at once AND heal/boost our comrades! 

I think Mercs 4 Charter's Farming Events just got more interesting!

Companions-  I took my swash through Marleybone and Aquila at first, purely so I could Power Level through the main content (:P),  I got a total of 5 Quest Earnt companions. 

Hawkules; Son of Zeus, he will never let you forget who he is! Hawkules is earnt after completing the Labyrinth (My favourite Dungeon!) and boy, does he pack a punch. He's an excellent buccaneer companion and great for taking down those early mobs! His Ego is as big as El Toro's!

Catbeard, Spiral Extraordinaire, he's listed as a Privateer but I count him as a Swashbuckler. He's great for taking down bosses and defending the crew. His Critical Scenes will certainly never fail to make you laugh! *Blows up a Fish*

Lt. Springer, Dog Captain. Um, I'm not too keen on this guy, he's not very good at hitting (even with Accurate Tier 4) he still misses, but he's good to send into the thick of a fight and take all the damage.

Samocles, got him through a Side Quest. He's an excellent right hand man and he's lethal with his sword. Wouldn't bring him into a Boss Fight though, his health's a little too low for my liking...

Ever heard of saving the best till last? Well, I have done exactly that! Gracie is by far the best companion I have ever recruited. Her bomb trap can hit up to 800 damage on multiple enemies, her War Golem Summon is absolutely amazing; Got nice epics, and don't be too sad when it dies, it will blow itself up and inflict damage onto surrounding enemies (but watch out he can get you too!).

Thanks for reading, sorry it was a bit long. I'll do an MB post either tomorrow or Monday! In the meantime, let me know what you think about the recent expansion in the comments below!

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  1. Merciless David19 June 2013 at 13:40

    Ooooh! I didn't know P101 has AoE Ship Attacks/Heals/Buffs! Thanks for the info Sheldon!

    1. Yeah, it's gonna make things a lot more fun. Np! Glad you stumbled across the guide :)


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