Tuesday 18 June 2013

Posted by Sheldon Cooper On Tuesday 18 June 2013
Welcome to my second Companion Guide, I hope I can create a whole database of companions on here for you to take a look at and reference to! 

This Guide is all about: Subodai.


Subodai is exclusive to the Swashbuckler Class and is recruited during the Player Tutorial and is known as a "Starter Companion", his crown shop equivalent is called "Temujin".

Subodai in his Tier 1 form, or "Horse Barbarian".

 In his tier 1 form he has some very nice tricks up his sleeves, if you are new to the game, the Epic Talent; "Vengeance Strike" is introduced. Vengeance Strike (Rank 1) allows Subodai to attack an enemy after they have successfully Attacked Him. 

 Subodai in his Tier 2 form, or "Horse Warrior".

Once Subodai has leveled up to Level 13 he will be available to Promote into his Tier 2 form. His Promotion quest requires him to get in touch with his Ancestors to get his warrior's plume with the help of Madame Vadima, the Witchdoctor Class Trainer.  After speaking to his ancestor "Ogudai" he will need to defeat Cid Simian, a worthy foe who will help Subodai Achieve his Warrior's Plume. After promoting him you can choose 2 Epic Talents from a list of 4. Recommendations and more Details are at the bottom. He also learns the Talent "Buccaneer's Strike" which inflicts 1x Damage and reduces enemy's Agility by 25%.

Subodai in his Tier 3 form, or "Horse Khan"

Subodai's last promotion of the current game (it has been noted on the Official Pirate101 Message Boards that the starter Companions will receive more promotions) at level 47. He informs you that he is ready to achieve "Horse Khan" and to do so, he must seek out a family member in Subata Temple who will direct you on Subodai's Journey towards achieving Khan. After Completing his Promotion you can choose 1 epic talent. He also receives an upgrade to his Buccaneer's Strike Talent; "Buccaneer's Smash".

Subodai's Talent List

Buccaneer Strike ; Available in Subodai's Rank 2 Form

Buccaneer Smash upgrade to Buccaneer Strike; Available in Subodai's Rank 3 Form

Subodai's Epic Talent List

Vengeance Strike Rank 1 - Only Epic Talent Available at Tier 1, Automatically Learnt
Blade Storm - When Subodai Kills an Enemy he can attack another enemy if adjacent to him. 
Cheap Shot - If an enemy moves away from Subodai and was near him prior to Moving Subodai can attack him.
Flanking - Bonus Attack when enemy approaches him.
Relentless Rank 1- Chance of Subodai attacking the same enemy again after Successfully attacking him.
Relentless Rank 2 - Same as Relentless Rank 1 but can activate up to 3 times in one round
Vengeance Strike Rank 2 - Same as Vengeance Strike Rank 1 but can activate up to 3 times in one round.
Relentless Rank 3 - Same as Relentless Rank 2 but can hit an enemy when wounded
Vengeance Strike Rank 3 - Same as Vengeance Strike Rank 2 but may stun enemy


Accurate - Adds Accuracy to Base Accuracy - Best for Subodai to ensure he hits more
Agile - Adds Agility to Base Agility
Dodgy - Adds Dodge to Base Dodge
Rough - Adds Damage to Base Damage - Best for Subodai to increase Damage, when is that not good?
Strong - Adds Strength to Base Strength - Best for Buccaneer Companions because it boosts there Slashy/Smashy Attacks
Tough - Adds Health to Base Health - Best for all companions, when is it not good to have a little extra health?

Of Course, these are just my recommendations, you can change them to how you prefer to play the game :)

In the comments below, tell me why you like Subodai (if you are Swashbuckler) and/or who is your favourite Companion!

Thanks For Reading, don't forget to Follow our blog.

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  1. Thanks for yet another Awesome Guide, Can't wait for the next one! (and the one's after them :P

    1. Np, I love making them! Glad to hear you are liking them!


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