Tuesday 4 March 2014

Posted by Sneaky Kevin On Tuesday 4 March 2014

This month is shaping up to be great, especially with that mystery contest we have planned for March 15th... what exactly will it be? More information will be revealed very soon!

To start our blogaversary month off, we'll be hosting a farming event on Saturday, March 8th at Friar Sand. Note that you do not have to have be able to access this area yourself, though it would be more helpful if you did. The more pirates in the fight, the higher the gold reward will be for everyone - lower level pirates are more than welcome to attend!

At 4:00 EST, we will meet in Avery's Court, realm One-Eyed Jack. Please add a pirate named Quick Lucas Newell, who will teleport everyone to entrance to Friar Sand's instance. Pickups will last approximately 10-15 minutes, so make sure you are there on time!

If you are a lower level and cannot enter the area by yourself, please find a higher level pirate who will be willing to take you inside. Remember, the more pirates the group the better... more gold to plunder!

On March 22nd, we'll be switching it up and hosting a Nautical Farming Event at Captain Pluton. Whether you're just looking for rare ship parts or if you need to raise your nautical level, be sure to come so that you're all ready for broadside ship combat for when the next major update is released! This event will also be held at 4:00 EST. Meet us in Avery's Court, realm One-Eyed Jack for pickups... and, of course, this event is open to all levels!

We'll also be closing off the month with a second Friar Sand farming event on March 29th at 4:00 EST, where we will be meeting in the same place and realm. So feel free to spend all the gold you receive from the event, because you'll be able to win plenty more shortly after!

Also, we have some extra codes for rare items that you may be interested in... we'll be giving a couple out at each farming event, so be sure to attend!

Here's this month schedule to recap:

March 8th: Friar Sand Farming Event @ 4pm EST
March 15th: Mystery Contest (Keep an eye out for more information!)
March 22nd: Captain Pluton Nautical Farming Event @4pm EST
March 29th: Friar Sand Farming Event @ 4pm EST

We hope to see you all there!!
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